The Kaliningrad youth took part in the action dated for Day of solidarity in fight against terrorism

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The Kaliningrad youth took part in the action dated for Day of solidarity in fight against terrorism

In the Center of youth communications of "Krasnaya-onl@yn" for young inhabitants Kaliningrad region display of the documentary film "Citizens of Beslan" took place.

the Tape tells about tragic events on September 1-3, 2004, and as heroes residents who appeared in hostages act.

"We watched the movie "Citizens of Beslan" from which on a body ran goosebumps, and on eyes tears welled up. All left under incredibly big impression. It is very pleasant to see that among us there are a lot of not indifferent people", – the participant of action Plenkina Victoria shared impression.

Then discussion on the subject "How to Protect Itself" took place. The leading consultant of management for interaction with territorial bodies of federal executive authorities of Regionalnoye government Naglis Pavel answered questions of young people of precautionary measures, explained how to distinguish illegal activity, including on and where to address in case of danger detection.

Action was dated by

for Day of solidarity in fight against terrorism. As organizers acted YOUTH AGENCY OF THE KALININGRAD REGION and the youth Center.

Day of solidarity in fight against terrorism was determined to

to Russian Federation in 2005 by the federal law "About days of military glory Russian Federation". It is connected with tragic events in Beslan (from September 1 to September 3, 2004 to Republic of North Ossetia-Alania) when fighters seized city school No. 1.