Sergei Zheleznyak: for an intensification of interaction of parliamentary groups of friendship it is necessary to use more actively modern communication

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the Delegation of deputies of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation led by the member of the committee on the international affairs Sergei Zheleznyak visited Mexico within a business trip over the countries Latin America. Negotiations with heads of the international committees of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of Mexico, an asset of group of friendship with State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the management of Institutional and revolutionary party Mexico which is the leading political force of the country took place.

Sergei Zheleznyak noted

to leading political forces of the world. We are open to an exchange of opinions on the most acute international issues and are ready to promote cooperation strengthening in such important areas, as fight against terrorism, narcocrime, illegal migration, economic injustice, environmental pollution".

according to the politician: "To Russian Federation well understand how it is not simple to Mexico to keep the sovereignty and to defend national interests of citizens of the country near such neighbor, as United States of America. A number of loud statements of the new President of the United States of America Donald Trump relatively Mexico in respect of migration and economic policy obviously do not promote establishment of good-neighbourhood. Thus, we count on political wisdom of the management of both countries, and we hope that existing contradictions between United States of America and Mexico will not pour out in an aggravation of the bilateral relations and in the region the stable situation" will remain.

Sergei Zheleznyak considers that development of the relations between Russian Federation and Mexico has to be based on a mutually advantageous basis, having emphasized that at two countries there are a lot of perspective opportunities. It expressed opinion that Mexico as the largest country of the region, could be interested in participation in such international unions as BRICS and The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Sergei Zheleznyak also noted an important role of inter-parliamentary contacts in strengthening of the Russian-Mexican communications: "In Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation there is a practice of participation of deputies in various groups of friendship. Parliamentarians actively keep in touch with foreign colleagues, hold consultations on legislative activity, exchange opinions on the major foreign policy questions. We consider that for an intensification of interaction of parliamentary groups of friendship it is necessary to use more actively modern communication and to carry out online round tables, webinars, most to involve in interparty and inter-parliamentary communication".