Ostrovsky Ilya despaired to return "Kubana" into Kuban

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to Ostrovsky Ilya Reznik Eugenie / information portal "Yugopolis"

Read also: "Krasnodar territory lost much when Ostrovsky Ilya refused the Kubana festival"

: "Festivals to Russian Federation madmen" do


On the Social network Facebook Ostrovsky Ilya wrote to Facebook : "It was the first summer without Kubana for many years. Very strange feelings as though you live others life inconvenient, boring and very monotonous. But I fought and this fight brightened up lack of that, for what it went.

Me often ask: "That do you want to achieve? You the truth want to return to Krasnodar territory? Certainly, I accurately give myself otche t in the events. No logic, common sense or even practical self-interest will work. To return "Kubana" to Krasnodar territory today it is impossible. Can relax on Krasnaya St., 35 - "trouble" avoided your house. If I also return into Kuban, only if properly call. After all the uninvited guest know worse than whom. But it was cheerful: Leshchenko Leo against Gayamyan, Joseph Davidovich Kobzon against Gayvoronsky, the mayor Riga against the deputy of Legislative Assembly, not to mention Cossacks, businessmen and the guests of the festival who have written letters of support".

As were reported by information portal "Yugopolis", in July of this year Ostrovsky Ilya, the producer of the musical KUBANA festival which Krasnodar territory a few years ago compelled to leave the territory, published the open letter to the governor of Kuban. He asked to restore historical justice and to return a festival there where it arose — to Krasnodar territory.


of this idea many known representatives of the public, show business. However the authorities Ostrovsky Ilya did not react to an appeal.

Ilya Mikhaylovich Ostrovsky
Last position: Producer, musical manager, organizer of musical festivals
Leo Leshchenko
Last position: Singer, actor
Reznik Eugenie