Dariga Nazarbaeva remained the head of committee of the senate

@Radio Azattyk
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Dariga Nazarbaeva, the oldest daughter President of Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, kept a position of the chairman of committee of the senate of parliament on the international relations, defense and safety. At plenary session of the senate on Monday Dariga Nazarbaeva again elected on a post of the head of senatorial committee. At the same meeting of Aytimov by Byrganym Aytimova it was elected the chairman of committee on welfare development and science, and Olga Perepechina – the head of committee of finance and to budget...
Dariga Nazarbaeva
Main activity:Politician
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Last position: Member of council (Constitutional Council of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Byrganym Aytimova
Last position: Vice-chairman of Council of senators (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Женис Мирасович Нургалиев
Last position: Deputy (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)
Olga Perepechina
Last position: Vice-chairman (Senate of Parliament of Republic of Kazakhstan)