Five medals sambo wrestlers won Irkutsk region on the Cup of Baikal tournament

@Tvoj Irkutsk
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Athletes Irkutsk region won two gold, two silver and one bronze medals on the international tournament on fighting sambo "the Cup of Baikal". Tournament was held on seven weight categories: 62, 68, 74, 82, 90, 100 and over 100 kilograms.

In weight category 62 kilograms a gold medal Bokhodir Bokiyev , 74 kilograms — Kuchuk Alexander won Bokiev Bokhodir in weight category 82 kilograms and Agafonov Nicholas — 100 kilograms. Bronze award in weight category 74 kilograms Alexey Peslyak won Peslyak Aleksey

Reznik Ilya, minister of sports Irkutsk region:
— I consider that tournament took place successfully, and successful tournament has the right for continuation. Therefore we plan that "the Cup of Baikal" becomes traditional. All guests who have arrived from 15 countries, noted high level of carrying out. But the most important — is healthy lifestyle promoting, involvement of children in sambo occupations.

the International tournament on fighting sambo "the Cup of Baikal" was carried out by

in Irkutsk for the first time. Athletes took part in competitions from Russian Federation, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Bulgaria, Armenia, Israel, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Georgia, South Korea, Kyrgyzstan. Within tournament Regional ministry educations and All-Russian Federation of Sambo signed the cooperation agreement on implementation of the All-Russian project "Sambo in School".

Bokhodir Nurzulaevich Bokiev
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo, the mixed martial arts
Ilya Reznik
Main activity:Official
Kuchuk Alexander
Sitinsky Semen
Agafonov Nicholas
All-Russian Federation of Sambo
Regional ministry educations
Government Agency