Public men: in Yekaterinburg the church copies again history of murder of family members Romanov

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Public men: in Yekaterinburg the church copies again history of murder of family members Romanov

Inhabitants Yekaterinburg again accused RO Russian Orthodox church of history copying after the own fashion. Tomorrow in the city have to consecrate the temple which, according to RO Russian Orthodox church, was built on a place of arrival of a family of Romanov. Public men specify that historical documents testify to other railway station with which members of an imperial family carried to their last haven – Ipatyev's house.

As are reported by the correspondent of RIA "New Day", on August 29 the metropolitan Ekaterinburgsky and Verkhotursky Kirill will consecrate the new temple of the Port-Artursky icon of the Mother of God, constructed on Vostochnaya Street in Yekaterinburg. In dioceses consider what exactly here on April 30, 1918 were landed from the train the emperor Nikolay II, the empress Aleksandra Fiodorovna and their daughter great princess Maria, in their honor now pass public prayers in this temple with acathistuses. But not all adhere to such position about an event of century prescription when to Yekaterinburg there arrived Romanov' family.

"The metropolitan Kirill will actually legalize on August 29 the incorrect version of emergence of the temple at the corner of Shevchenko's streets and East. Those people who though slightly understand in the history, know and remember that Romanov' family landed from the train at all on Shevchenko – East, and at least in five quarters – at modern railway station Shartash (street of Kuibyshev), – the Ekaterinburg public man Korovin Ilya reported RIA "New Day". – When the temple put, people were indignant! And it must be said, not unreasonably. We repeatedly addressed to the metropolitan, wrote letters on a history divergence with events of our days. The answer did not follow".

how Romanov delivered to Yekaterinburg, in 1927 the artist Pchelin Vladimir tried to submit

. The cloth, turned out the impressive sizes (3,30 meters in length and 2.15 meters height), he called "Romanov' Transfer to Uralsovet". At picture creation the artist consulted to direct witnesses of a meeting of Romanov in Yekaterinburg. They in detail described what was the engine on which there arrived to the Urals an imperial family, in what they were dressed, noted the slightest details.

New Day: Public men: in Yekaterinburg the church copies again history of murder of family members Romanov

At the same time, the known historian and the regional specialist, the author of the book – an album "Ipatyev's House. Annalistic chronicle: 1877-1977" Shitov Vitaly in conversation with RIA "New Day" noticed earlier that actually transfer of a family of Romanov happened not as it was represented by Pchelin Vladimir. "A meeting as in a picture, was not – commissioners came into the train, issued the act of transfer and later waited for the tsar in cars on which then carried all to Ipatyev's house in the shortest way. "Therefore before us – result of a plan of the artist. The picture on the one hand is documentary – the train, the station, but all the rest is an art collision of two enemy groups", – the historian noted. At the same time he added that Romanov delivered to station on the street of Kuibyshev.

the Question of a place of arrival in Yekaterinburg family members Romanov – not only what representatives of church and historians still discuss. It is known that the last Russian emperor Nikolay II, his wife empress Aleksandra Fiodorovna, great princesses Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia and Crown Prince Alexey, and also their servants shot in a cellar of the house of Ipatyev in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 17, 1918. Now on this place there is a Church on Blood.

the Church draws

that Ganina Yama where in the beginning "zero" constructed a funeral monastic complex became the last grave of members of an imperial family. However their bone remains were found in 1991 and in 2007 in the Porosenkovy ravine, near old Koptyakovsk Road in about 4,5 kilometers is farther from the Ganiny Hole.

Results of the independent genetic examinations which have been carried out to United Kingdom, United States of America, Austria and Russian Federation, confirmed authenticity of burial of family members Romanov. In 1998 remains were buried in Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint Petersburg. However the tsarevitch Alexey and the princess Maria still are not interred. Their remains are still stored by a consequence only as "material evidences" as RO Russian Orthodox church are not recognized. Since 2000 Romanov are declared by sacred strastoterpets, and now a question of their burial not in competence of the secular power.

New Day: Public men: in Yekaterinburg the church copies again history of murder of family members Romanov

In this regard the Committee of inquiry renewed a legal investigation of death of an imperial family to carry out the expertizes connected with establishment of authenticity of found estimated remains of the tsarevitch and the princess. It is expected that at the end of November, 2017 meeting of the Sacred Synod RO Russian Orthodox church will take place. On it the Patriarch of All Russia Kirill declares results of investigation of RO Russian Orthodox church concerning authenticity found near Yekaterinburg remains of a family of the last Russian emperor.

Yekaterinburg, RIA news service "New Den»