Trifle, and it is pleasant - 2

@Severnaja nedelja
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We continue the conversation begun in the previous publication, on the pleasant trifles spotted in different corners Europe which are capable to decorate everyday life of inhabitants of the cities.
Very much wants to tell

. There the wooden arbor where in the days off as we were told by locals, pupils of city music school arrange reporting concerts (1) is established. The atmosphere on the street reigned the incredibly warm.

In the German Fraylassinge on the stones limiting journey to a foot zone, couple of kids with ice cream (2) always sits. Eating the horn, it is possible to sit near them or in one of numerous street cafes which open in the neighbourhood in good weather.

Were remembered whether benches, whether plank beds on one of the small areas in the French town Ansi. For their creation ordinary firewood was put to use (3). Probably, many residents of Severodvinsk in the same city park with pleasure would play such chess which we found in the Swiss Oberegeri (4).
In many settlements located in the Alps or at their bottom, it is possible to meet figures of cows. In the German Garmish-Partenkirkhena on one of them it is possible to sit (5). And we found sculptures of the most different animals in Vienna (6).

the Separate subject - public toilets. It already, of course, not a trifle, and rather serious investment of capital, but there is a wish to share information. First, public toilets are, secondly, they not terrible, and at times even multi-colored, as in Swedish to Erebru (7). And, as it appeared, even the territory with garbage tanks can be nice, as in the Norwegian Buda (8).<"22>"

A in many cities happened to see temporary art objects, somewhere it there were plastic red horses, somewhere amusing little men from garbage, and in the Danish Elsinore — huge scissors (9). A wish arose to people of beauty — took and made...

Kozitsyna Oksana (the text and a photo)

We address to you, readers, with an appeal. If you have photo from your travel where interesting art objects are imprinted, benches, lawns and other city "trifles", send them to us. Probably, any of them will serve as ideas for an embodiment in Severodvinsk.
your photos we wait for

to . Do not forget to enter the name and a surname, and also a place where pictures are made. We will publish the best.
of the Photo
Kozitsyna Oksana