Magnificent Vinter Miledi: Terekhova Margaret celebrates anniversary

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Terekhova Margaret

Terekhova Margaret — one of the most beautiful and talented actresses of the Soviet cinema – celebrates today the 75-year anniversary. Audience undoubtedly remembers it as Vinter Miledi in the movie "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers", the countess Diane de Belflor in "Dog in the manger" and, certainly, at once two women – wives and mothers – in "Mirror" Tarkovsky Andrey. Delicate features and deep look Terekhova Margaret leave nobody indifferent. Today not to see it on a scene of theater or in the new movie: the actress has Alzheimer's disease and on public does not appear.

Fizmat and theatrical career

Future star was born

in the city Turinsk Sverdlovsk region in an actor's family. The climate in the Urals was too severe: the baby caught a cold, and parents transported her to solar Uzbekistan. There Terekhova Margaret went to school and was fond of sports, even there was the captain of the youthful national team Uzbekistan on basketball, and trainers prophesied successful sports career. But instead Terekhova Margaret , having received the certificate and a gold medal, went on physical and mathematical faculty of the Tashkent university. However, from HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION did not graduate – in two years collected things and went to Moscow to arrive in School studio Zavadsky Youri at State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta".

"I came into a hall where sat Zavadsky Youri and all elite of theater. The first whom I saw, was Maretskaya Vera. Before me so many entrants passed that she, my dear, already fell asleep. I understood that it is necessary to wake … Also began to yell: "Natalya's monologue from "Quiet Don". As soon as I started reading, poor Maretskaya Vera shuddered and stared on me. Zavadsky Youri listened to the end and delicately asked: "You have something more silent? " And then I in a whisper read Koltsov's favourite verses. He told: "Well it is fine, go". I left and heard as one actress told about me "Either abnormal, or ingenious" — Terekhova Margaret remembered. The actress made strong impression on the commission of theatrical school

B 1964 it there were the actress State budget cultural institution Moscow "Theater named after Mossoveta" which remained her home many years.

With the first husband – Butenko Vyacheslav – Terekhova Margaret got acquainted during study. But student's marriage lasted not for long. In 1966 the actress invited to act in the movie on work Green Alexander "Running on waves" to Bulgaria. Exactly there was an acquaintance to the second spouse – the actor Khashimov Savva. At that time the man was married, but for the sake of the Russian beauty issued divorce and moved to Moscow. Lovers lodged in a theatrical hostel, in a year the daughter Terekhova  Anna was born. And again family happiness was not such strong. Khashimov Savva could not remain in Moscow, Terekhova Margaret was not going to move to Bulgaria. As a result divorce followed.

WORK With Tarkovsky Andrey

Terekhova Margaret Soviet Union

considered as one of the brightest actresses

of One of most important milestones on a career Terekhova Margaret there was a work with Tarkovsky Andrey over the movie "Mirror" which was released in 1974. Many colleagues noted difficult character of the actress, her habit to interfere with work of the director on a platform. It did not make an exception even for Tarkovsky Andrey whom considered as the great genius.

"Imagine what exactly at it on shootings I most of all interfered with process. And it suffered me that is absolutely improbable. But once he looked at me the green eyes and quietly told: "And on a hokhotalnik? " I laughed loudly, and then again continued to stick with offers. As it took me for a role of mother, he trusted my intuition. And even changed the finals in three scenes after my "interventions" — shared Terekhova Margaret .

SECRET of the BIRTH of the SON

In 1981 Terekhova Margaret for the second time became a mother. And it gave many reasons for gossips. Many assumed that the father of the boy is at all the third husband the director Gavrilov Georgy. Said that the actress gave birth from the Tajik businessman to Turaev Sayfiddin. Thus the man categorically denied that they were connected by any relations except workers. According to other version, the father Green Alexander was the popular singer Talkov Igor with whom Terekhova Margaret traveled over all USSR: it with fragments of performances and verses, it – with songs.

of the Son Talkov Igor "threw" on show Shepelev Dimitri

Terekhova Margaret people attributed communication with Talkov Igor
"Blossomed when Talkov Igor stepped on the stage with a guitar. On Kamchatka territory, at a minus of fifteen in a hall and a minus of fifty behind walls when it left, people all the same smiled" — the actress told. The death of the performer became one of the most terrible events in her life.


some years Terekhova Margaret do not shine with

on a theatrical stage and before a chamber lens. Last time she stepped on the big stage in 2012 when within a festival of domestic cinema "Moscow premiere" to it handed over the diploma and an honourable prize for a contribution to a cinema. As it is surprising, the award became actually the first in the homeland after assignment of a rank of the national actress. In mass media repeatedly there was information that Terekhova Margaret finished creative career because of progressing Alzheimer's disease.

Magnificent Milady: Margarita Terekhova celebrates anniversary Terekhova Margaret has problems with memory

the Daughter Terekhova Margaret the actress Terekhova  Anna does not deny that health of mother reeled a little. But claims that journalists too exaggerate.

"In 2005 mother decided to try as the director and shot the picture "Tea". None of colleagues especially did not support her. After "Seagull" it simply exhausted, it had no forces. It became impossible therefore to continue a career. Yes, now mother is ill, I will not hide it any more: it has problems with memory. But everything is not so terrible as write in the press. We surrounded it with love, care. It near at hand always has favourite books and movies with its participation which it with pleasure revises, it helps it and even treats her" — Terekhova  Anna told.

the Actress with the daughter Terekhova  Anna

Article was prepared by

Magnificent Milady: Margarita Terekhova celebrates anniversary and daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya".

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