Historical and ethnographic expedition to the place of the ancient Cossack town

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Historical and ethnographic expedition to the place of the ancient Cossack town in Semikarakorsk district took place on August 18. the Trip is dated by br for anniversary Rostov region.
the archeologist-regional specialist Sergei Ivanovich Tokarenko Directed expedition.
Organizer: Semikarakorsky yurtovy Cossack society and GKU RO sector "Cossacks of Don.
Expedition took place thanks to support of Government of Rostov region.
30 people took part In action: teachers of the Cossack schools Semikarakorsk district, participants of Semikarakrsky office of KDMO of "Dontsa", Cossacks and others.

Participants of expedition found

on the former place of the Cossack town more than fifty household items of people. Generally it is ceramics. Crocks with rare ornaments got. Sergei Ivanovich Tokarenko gave lecture on the found subjects and about life of Cossacks of the last centuries. Teachers filled up with the found subjects the school museums and took away with itself new big baggage of knowledge of history of the Don edge. In reading lecture materials collected at starozhilov.

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