Petersburgers won 25 medals at the Special Olympic Games

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Athletes with disability from Saint Petersburg won on the All-Russian sports contest of the Special Olympic Games on summer sports in total 25 medals. Also Petersburg weight-lifters received three quotas for participation in the international competitions to Austria in 2018.

As told in the PETERSBURG Charity fund "Point Opory", the All-Russian sports contest of the Special Olympic Games on powerlifting, cycling, rowing on kayaks and yunifayd-rowing on kayaks, gymnastics, to badminton and yunifayd-badminton took place in Kostroma. Athletes took part in competitions to intellectual violations from 17 regions Russian Federation.


Saint Petersburg was presented by ten athletes who twisted 25 awards in two sports – badminton and to powerlifting. In badminton caused a stir: Aleksandrova Irina, Voronov Pawel, Kostyukovich Galina and Fokin Sergei. In their asset of 2 silver and 3 bronze medals.

Prize-winners of competitions on powerlifting (a bar press) in various categories of steel: Mikhaylov Gennady, Kazakov Nicholas, Ignatyev Maxime, Marina Tsytsak, Petrova Lilia, Vasyukova Svetlana. In total weight-lifters twisted 6 gold, 5 silver and 9 bronze medals. Also successful performances allowed powerlifters to receive three quotas for participation in Open National Games Austria which will pass from June 7 to June 12, 2018.

Gennady Ignatyevich Mikhaylov
Last position: Sporting director of "Katusha-Alpecin"
Aleksandrova Irina
Voronov Pawel
Kostyukovich Galina
Fokin Sergei