Uncontrollable Japanese and Two More Records in Swimming

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The first set of medals was played at a valid distance in 1500 meters by freestyle. The decisive stage was reached by British Jay Lelliott and Robinson Tobias, American Patrick Rensford, Domenico's Italians Acerenza and Gregorio Paltreñeri, the Ukrainian Romanchuk Mikhail, and also Hungarian Gergey Dyyuarto and the Japanese Nakay Shingo. Paltrenyeri took leadership already on the second hundred-meter race and held it till the end, having managed to establish the new record of University games equaling to 14:47.75 minutes. The second to the finish Romanchuk Mikhail (14:57.51) came, and closed Dyyuarto's three (15:01.11).

the Following final also passed

, Italian Filippo Megli, American Andrea D'Arrigo, the Frenchman Atsu Jonathan, the Japanese to Kotsuka Hagino, South African Deyvon Brown, the Russian Vekovishchev Mikhail and Lithuanian Danas Rapsis was presented. Exactly the last was fated to receive a gold medal for result 1:45.75 minutes. The second to the finish Maykhzhak Casper (1:46.19) came, and Vekovishchev Mikhail who conducted long time in a heat (1:46.48) closed the three of prize-winners.

the First "female" final of day in a hundred-meter race on a back was interesting to

by presence of the Russian at it Temnikova Maria. It was competed the Korean by Kim Khvan And, couple of Americans as a part of Miranda Thaker and Andriy Kottrell, Reona Aoki and Kanako Watanabe's Japanese duet, the South African Shumeyker Tatyana and Australian Leyston Pikett. The heat came to the end with double triumph Japan which representatives occupied two highest steps of a pedestal. Watanabe's time equaled 1:06.85 minutes, and Aoki – 1:07.36 minutes. The bronze award was on a neck Kottrell (1:07.37).


Shortly after that determined the strongest and in female freestyle on hundred meters. At this final there were two representatives Russian Federation – Kameneva Maria and Openysheva Arina. Running beforehand, we will note that both of them appeared on a pedestal. Besides, in a total heat Savar Catherine from Canada, Brazilian Larisa Martins de Oliveira, Siobkhan of Regional state administration of Kharkov from Hong Kong, Italian Aglaia Pezzato, and also Americans Veronika Barchill and Caroline Baldwin were qualified. The fast at a distance was Regional state administration of Kharkov, achieved an indicator in 54.10 seconds. Kameneva Maria lagged behind it for the.27th seconds, and Openysheva Arina conceded to the leader of the.79th second, having become the third.

the Last medal heat of day was at men in medley swimming on two hundred meters. In this case from Russian Federation for medals fought Zhilkin Andrey and Osipenko Alexander. Resisted to them the Pole Poprava Mijal, Italian Giovanni Soriso, Japanese to Kosuka Hagino and Daiya Seto, Kenneth To from Hong Kong and Litchfild Joe from United Kingdom. Hagino was in leaders throughout all distance and naturally won, having established a new record of University games at time 1:57.35 minutes. After it the objectives were achieved also by Seto (1:58.73), and the last line of a pedestal was reserved for himself by Litchfild Joe (1:59.36). Zhilkin Andrey and Osipenko Alexander became the fourth and the fifth respectively.