Gumashvili O.: Khadzhi Akhmat was the real man - kjonakh

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this year to the first President of ChR, the Hero Russian Federation to Akhmad Kadyrov would be executed 66 years. However as a result of terrible act of terrorism his life interrupted, and today it is not present among us. The way begun by Akhmad Kadyrov, brought the Chechen people to the world and prosperity, and his ideas and continue to be embodied today in zhizn.

V the eve of significant date News agency information agency "Grozny-Inform"" publishes a series of materials under the heading "Akhmat-Haji Kadyrov's Memories", devoted to this great person.

the Correspondent of news agency information agency "Grozny-Inform"" met the author of the book "Sports Stars Chechen Republic" Gumashvili Omari .

Gumashvili Omari , you remember the tragedy on May 9, 2004?

– Yes, cannot be forgotten this day. Then over all country noted 9 May, Victory Day. For us on May 9 became day of the tragedy which has divided our life on "to" and "after". Owing to terrible act of terrorism State Council of the Chuvash Republic Isaev Hussein, other participants of the celebration devoted to 9 May, Victory Day at Stadium "Dinamo" (Gave gechdoil TSARN) were lost the President of ChR Akhmad Kadyrov, the Chairman. Nobody wanted to trust, nobody could expect that the similar scary tragedy will happen to the person who rescued not only Chechen Republic and its people, but also kept integrity Russian Federation.

Tell, what role was played by Akhmad Kadyrov in sports revival in Chechen Republic?

- All of us know that there were in our republic before appointment Akhmad Kadyrov (Gave gechdoil tsunna) the Head of administration Chechen Republic. And very few people could believe that in the near future Chechens will see revived of ashes and ruins of Grozny and the republic as a whole. Praise Supreme, with arrival to the management Akhmat Khadzhi began positive changes in the region which mentioned almost all spheres of activity. In particular, he noted that revival of the republic possibly only through restoration of , culture and sports. Khadzhi Akhmat did everything possible and impossible that athletes could come back home, home, to train and reach big heights on a sports Olympus. Restoration of national sports and all republic as all of us know, began in the city Gudermes where at that time there was a temporary Government of the Chechen Republic. The gym in Gudermes which was transformed further to republican INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "SPORT CLUB "RAMZAN" became the first restored building. First who was accepted by Khadzhi Akhmat in the building of provisional government, were athletes. And the first athletes whom it awarded, became well-known Kurbanov Lechi and his pupils. After the Sydney games it accepted and congratulated Olympic champions, brothers Buvaysar and Adam Saytiyevykh and the Olympic champion in judo Bisultanov Hassan. Even being in such conditions, Khadzhi Akhmat found it possible to note successful speech of the Chechen athletes at the Olympic Games.

One of the first decisions Akhmad Kadyrov as Heads of administration of ChR was revival of the soccer team "Terek". Children returned, became with honor to represent our republic and till today continue it to defend. Today "Akhmat" acts in the Premier league. Athletes submit not only Europe, the world, but also tops of the Olympic Games.

Everything of what it dreamed and did not manage to make

, it the son, Chapter Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov who follows precepts of the father turned today into reality: all conditions for occupations by any kind of sports in the region are created, various support both operating, and to beginning athletes is given.

In each area, a mudflow constructed gyms, complexes, stadiums, CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL. Property of the republic are the Akhmat Arena stadium, the Sport Hall "Colosseum", the Republican horse-racing complex, the Ice arena, the gymnastics Center "Ak Bars", the <9> Akhmat -Ichigeki Palace, autodrome "Fortress Terrible" and others. Soon in Grozny the doors for fans of volleyball will be opened by the Multipurpose volleyball palace. Also the Olympic center of judo is under construction. Today our youth simply a sin not to play sports.

Khadzhi Akhmat - to Kadyrov Khadzhi would execute on August 23, 2017 66 years. What it remained in your memory?

- Khadzhi Akhmat was the real man - kjonakh, rescued the nation from elimination. It made everything from it depending for the bloodshed termination, for association of our people and republic prosperity. He paid the most expensive that is at the person, - own life. In my memory it remains clever, judicious, deeply decent and God-fearing person (Gave g1azot kjobal Doyle tsunan).

Conversation Shukran Yakumova
