In Vladimir on the deputy Stanislas Bulakhov opened criminal case

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In Vladimir investigators brought criminal case concerning the deputy of the City Council and the general director LLC "Stroy-Kapital" 32-year-old Stanislas Bulakhov. It suspect of nonpayment of to the employees.
In Vladimir on the deputy Bulakhov opened criminal case

the Consequence found out that having financial opportunity, the head of the company did not pay to workers, because of it 11 people received less 400 thousand rubles. Now the consequence specifies number of victims and an exact amount of damage. Financial and economic examination of work of the enterprise is also appointed.

After initiation of proceedings by militiamen, Stanislas Bulakhov expressed desire to pay all debts to the staff of firm.


: from open sources

Read the latest news for today, 18.08.2017, in our tape to news online
Stanislas Bulakhov
Last position: Director general of JSC ISK Stroy-Capital
LLC "Stroy-Kapital"