The leader Republic of Mordovia in Fir groves: "Let's lose the village, we can lose Russian Federation. Yet all this understand"

@Stolitsa S
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of the Acting Glava Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov continued on August 17 trips on the republic, having gone to Yelniki district. Here it visited on risen from a non-existence the 1990th plant on production of a brick and met locals. Villagers learned, how many roads will receive new asphalt where to complain of the slow "fast" help and when in Fir groves will construct kindergarten. Meanwhile, it became clear that the Mordovian preferential mortgage can extend soon a construction virus over all country, and Vladimir Volkov watches not only the territory entrusted to it, but also destiny distressful Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov. Details – in the reporting Razina Irina.

the Brick

At brick-works of the distinguished guest were waited for by about three tens workers and the executive director Kuzin Aleksey. Generally according to the initial plan there have to be 50 brick cases of masters. "Not really want to work for us", – the production manager sighs. But the exact sizes the subordinates did not call but only hinted that it still should be held on to average on the area. And from this minute the reasons of personnel hunger become obvious. Though, to be fair it is necessary to tell, what not everything here is so sad. The plant which not worried "dashing" 1990th, and has let out a "dashing" 1990th, last brick nearly 15 years ago, after all started leaving a coma. Though none of elnikovets any more did not count on it. Some time ago the thin shop was redeemed by the Moscow who decided to create the first in Republic of Mordovia production of a restoration brick. Now there is balancing and commissioning, the first product samples are let out. Its appointment – internal and external finishing of buildings. And, all brick here – handwork therefore the Executive director of plant is 2-3 times more expensive usual …

started worrying long before arrival on Vladimir Volkov. The matter is that TV reporters began to throw its questions. And under "barrel" of chambers the chief reddened, turned pale and, apparently, was ready to pretend to be though a brick if only to it lost interest. "Perhaps we will stick to torment the person, colleagues? " – one of workers of the press took pity, at last. "Yes! Let's cease! – Kuzin Aleksey was delighted. – Perhaps you will not show me, and? And that me already removed somehow when I carried domes. As a chamber on me lift – I cannot speak at once! " But when operators did not aim in the director, his eloquence woke up. And he told that among all range of a brick here let out even "smiling" – on which lateral wall as a result of manual molding something turns out like a smilie. And it is possible to build locks of wons of that brick burned to blackness, as in Europe … With the advent of Vladimir Volkov to object there arrived also the director general of plant Yegorov Dimitri. It he tries to finish now affairs in Moscow completely to devote itself to production of the Mordovian bricks. And, barring itself all ways to retreat, even transported in Fir groves the wife and two children. Having examined production, the acting Glava RM came to a conclusion that 50 workplaces for such village as Fir groves it is quite good. But while even available 27 workers do not carry out performance standard …

the People

In Fir groves Vladimir Volkov agreed to meet locals in the building of a local recreation center. And while in a hall there were last preparations, in the foyer the young woman lectured someone from local officials. "Vladimir Volkov already came to us to Fir groves! – it was boiled. – You why did not let it on Meshcherov Street? Why told, what it not the inhabited? ! " The respondent wearily justified, persuaded to calm down. But, as showed further events, it did not help … Meanwhile, Vladimir Volkov already told elnikovets that development of the program of development of the republic till 2030 which basis will be formed by innovative economy is now conducted. And to one of ways of its activization there will be a preferential mortgage, the Mordovian experiment on which introduction the leader of the region now dreams to extend over all country. "The mortgage has to be at most under 5%, and it is even better – under 3%, – Vladimir Volkov insisted. – Now all of us win more supporters in other regions. However, some liberals, referring to experience of America, claim that the percent on the mortgage has to be not lower than a rate of Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia). But I do not agree with them".

Gradually Vladimir Volkov passed

to more essential for elnikovets to affairs. "The most sore point for you is a hospital, – he recognized, and a hall, agreeing, hooted. – We heard you, opened 15 beds of the round-the-clock stay and 45 – day. In addition gave to hospital the reanimobile, and one more will arrive soon". Also the hall learned that FAPA construction in the village Old maiden will begin soon, and now it is possible to complain of bad work of crews of the "fast" help in a uniform dispatching office. But hardly Vladimir Volkov began to tell about plans for construction near roads, from a hall that woman who in a corridor shook half an hour ago for breasts of the local official jumped. "And when it will be expensive on Meshcherov Street? " – she cried and told about how it is heavy to leave it the house with a carriage, and the husband was tired to repair the car. Vladimir Volkov tried to answer it something, but the woman was not uttered yet and continued to shout. "Lena, Lena! " – the head of the area Bekeshev Youri Alekseevich calmed her. He already too well knew her temper. "I have, of course, an iron endurance, – Vladimir Volkov received after all minute of silence. – But you do not allow to tell! " – "When? When? " – young mother continued to shout. "Bekeshev Youri Alekseevich, when? " – having sighed, the head of the republic gave up. "Next year – it is obligatory", – the head of the area guaranteed. And the woman everything continued to be indignant, and, by the way, told that on a site of local administration its road already is registered as the repaired. "You hear? – Vladimir Volkov did not leave attempts. – Your street will be made next year! And we will move you! To Penza region that you looked as there roads do! " It, of course, was the joke. But the excited woman could after all take it for reality. Even it is terribly to think that then would begin …

Gradually passions settled, and elnikovets learned that at them in the district the policlinic will be repaired, the kindergarten turns in which expect 232 baby, and new recreation center is constructed. And expenses on the local roads which have done today so much noise, will be doubled. "Soul Russian Federation – in the village, – Vladimir Volkov summed up the result of a meeting. – Let's lose the village, we can lose Russian Federation. Yet all this understand. But, I think that will understand soon, and our affairs will go quicker! " And nevertheless from elnikovets just like that you will not leave. In the foyer of the acting Glava RM it was necessary to solve housing problems of two young men. "And me too it is possible to take a preferential mortgage? I live in the village", – asked one of them. "Yes though on the Moon! " – Vladimir Volkov was delighted. But there is more to come. The local grandmother Filippova Maria literally hung at the leader of the region on a sleeve. The elderly woman got a pile of documents from a package and started asking on personal pry for Saransk. "And why to go? Let's understand now", – Vladimir Volkov offered. "Yes? – with doubt she looked at it. – I better would arrive". After all the grandmother persuaded to refrain from travel, and she told how many years ago at it the house burned down and since then she wanders on rental apartments. "Two and a half tyshchi in a month I pay, – she almost cried. – And the local administration says to me that already it is time for me in nursing home! " Vladimir Volkov charged to write down everything these women and to look, than it can be helped. But the grandmother was not uttered yet: "I wanted to write Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov? He went to other transfer? " – it is, Vladimir Volkov, as well as all country, too watches pervokanalny passions with change of leaders. And Filippova Maria spread out meanwhile all documents on a table. "Let's agree so, – the leader of the republic offered it. – Here our worker, he is a young man, you will stand. He will write down everything, will understand. If is though the slightest zatsepochka, we will help you".

Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov
Last position: The co-producer conducting on Russia-1 channel (VGTRK)
Vladimir Volkov
Main activity:Politician
Youri Alekseevich Bekeshev
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the municipal district Yelnikovsk of the Republic of Mordovia)
Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kuzin
Main activity:Official
Razina Irina
Bank of Russia
Main activity:Insurance
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