The Olympic champion ran away from the house because of violence
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of Tiann Bartolett. Photo:
the Olympic champion in long jumps Tianna Bartoletta told GLOBAL LOOK press/Rodolfo Buhrer

according to Tianna Bartoletta, her husband John not only humiliated, but also regularly beat it. Some months prior to competition the sportswoman nevertheless decided to abandon the spouse." Three months ago I had to leave the house, having taken away only the most necessary and having thrown favourite dogs. I actually became homeless", – she wrote on the page on a social network of website "Instagram".

the Olympic champion recognized that because of problems in private life it was very heavy to it to participate in the World Cup. "I knew that it will be very heavy to protect a title of the world champion. Difficultly to believe in it, but this bronze – the most special medal of that I received", – she noted. "I still have no permanent address, but I got chance of rescue, of life without beating, fear and threats", – added sportsmenka.

Subsequently Tianna Bartoletta told that the publication in website "Instagram" became part of psychotherapy which will help it to begin new life. According to her, it could move more long after understood that the violence destroyed destinies of a great number of other people." The most important in they are to realize that you are not lonely. You know it, but do not accept it heart", – quotes the champion of TV channel "BBC Russia".

Meanwhile John Bartoletta told that now he gets divorced from the spouse "friendly". According to him, they were "remarkable team", and he is very grateful to Tianna that it allowed it to be part of her life sated with sports. In summary he wished to the wife "all good".

we Will note

complained of a manhandling of the actor. According to her, in marriage it regularly got drunk and beat it and the little daughter Carolina. However, the singer disproved this information, having accused the ex-spouse of attempt to become famous on his name.

Author: Ulyukaev Konstantin
Narcis Pierre
Ulyukaev Konstantin