The institute of development acted as the co-organizer of the first working meeting on development to Russian Federation

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"For realization of this initiative will be created by

Senior coordinator of programs of the World bank Oleg Petrov to Russian Federation which employees World Bank will enter, the international experts and representatives of the Russian partner organizations", - the senior coordinator of programs World Bank Petrov Oleg told. Carrying out a series of videoconferences, seminars and the discussions directed on creation of the recommendation for the Russian experts becomes a task of the Working group.

the Representative World Bank Bunchuk Mikhail considers that modern change traditional way of economy, transforming it to the digital. , , Internet of things, social media – all this strongly influences business, citizens and the government, the expert noted. "Now there are many disputes that such . We believe that it is a new paradigm of economic development which increasingly depends on in real time on the basis of data exchange, by means of , institutes, regulation and skills", - the expert summarized.

chairman of the board of directors of IRIO Yury Hokhlov "World Bank and its Russian representation for several years conduct work on use of in all fields of activity, - the chairman of the board of directors of Institute of development reported Youri Khokhlov. - A few years ago experts issued the analytical report on development of broadband access to Russian Federation, this year in the Analytical center the second was presented the report ": prospects for Russian Federation". Now we work over the third report - ": Prospects for Russian Federation" which we plan to prepare by June, 2017, were explained by the expert. From IRIO in a meeting of the working group also participated the head of Management of regional programs Petr Yershov, the director of the department of and public relations Rizmanova Louisa and the analyst of Management of regional programs Alexander Katin.

deputy head of the Analytical center Vasily Pushkin "In our opinion, is a system of paperless interaction and possibility of continuous change of various information in databases. The main problem of this approach consists in legalization of databases that these records were accepted in as justifications", - the deputy head of the Analytical center Pushkin Vasilii noted. Besides, it is necessary to define accurately vision and characteristics , and also the main and current state of development, are considered by the expert. Following the results of working meeting "Positions of the Russian experts on conceptual bases " are accepted on December 19, 2016.

Within this initiative the Analytical center and Institute of development will organize a series of working meetings of the Russian experts from the partner organizations. Start of an initiative will be officially given during the international videoconference at the Moscow office World Bank on December 20, 2016.


List of participants

Youri Khokhlov
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors, head of Management of regional programs (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION IINFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE)
Petr Yershov
Last position: The head of Management of regional programs, the deputy head of Management on management of architecture of large systems (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION IINFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE)
Alexander Katin
Petrov Oleg
Bunchuk Mikhail