Representatives of IRIO took part in preparation and carrying out the Round table on development of Methodology of an assessment of readiness of the countries to

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Vladislav Onishchenko Event was held by World Bank together with Institute of development and the Analytical center.

representatives of public authorities, business, civil society, scientific and educational communities (about 100 people) took part In the Round table. From Institute of development participated the chairman of the board of directors Youri Khokhlov, the director general Tatyana Yershova, the head of Management developments Sergei Borisovich Shaposhnik and the director of the department of and public relations Rizmanova Louisa.

With a greeting the first deputy head of the Analytical center Onishchenko Wladyslaw. Opening a round table, he noted the following: "Importance and relevance in the world is indisputable. Therefore it is important to understand Russian Federation".

Oleg Petrov participants were greeted Further by Petrov Oleg, the senior coordinator of programs of World Bank.


With presentation of the project of development of Methodology of an assessment of readiness of the countries to (DECA) Carlo Maria Rossotto, the leading expert on and the coordinator of regional programs of World Bank acted.

Also in discussions took part: Dang-Beck (Chris) Kang, the director of the Korean research institute concerning local information (South Korea); to Li Guan, professor in the sphere of management of the American university (USA-Korea); Kim Andreasson, managing director of DAKA Advisory (Sweden), and Rafaê Rokhozinski, cofounder and director of SecDev Group (Canada).

Alla Morrison and Carlo Maria Rossotto according to the specialist in digital development of Group of economic development of World Bank Morrison Alla, it is necessary to estimate readiness for for several reasons: because of prompt development of new generation of transformational , various reports and tools for the separate sectors, different stages of level of a maturity in the countries. "The methodology is aimed at the help to the countries in understanding of prospects of their present ready state to digital transformations by coverage of a wide number of the spheres connected with and its bases. Including the new spheres demanding special attention from the governments, for example are considered: analytics of data, Robotics and Cloudy technologies".

Yury Hokhlov the Chairman of the board of directors of Institute of development Youri Khokhlov noted that the methodology is also directed on establishment of a maturity the countries, identification of key gaps, problems and opportunities, definition of the directions in key areas which can increase national economic growth. He emphasized that the methodology includes three main components: assessment of readiness of key bases for development , carrying out the comparative analysis of current state and assessment of impact on social and economic development.

In the second half of day during the Round table intermediate results of the analysis of current state of readiness Russian Federation to were presented to

Alexey Kozyrev

the deputy minister of communication and mass communications addressed To participants of discussion Russian Federation Aleksey Kozyrev, under whose management development of the draft of the <17> Digital economy program according to an assignment President of the Russian Federation was carried out.

in detail considered Further the ready state analysis to according to concrete sections (including "A state policy and strategic planning", "Leadership and institutes", "The legislation, regulation and standards", "The human capital", "Digital infrastructure", "Digital health care", "Digital " and "The digital culture" and took place discussion in a format of brain storm. During discussion by participants comments and remarks which will be considered at methodology completion were stated.

Program of the Round table

Youri Khokhlov
Last position: Chairman of the board of directors, head of Management of regional programs (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION IINFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE)
Tatyana Yershova
Sergei Borisovich Shaposhnik
Last position: The head of Management on monitoring of development of information society (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION IINFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE)
Rizmanova Louisa