On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" the EXPO will pass the VII forum exhibition "To Muscovites — a healthy lifestyle"

@Moe Lianozovo
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On VDNH of the EXPO will pass the VII forum exhibition On JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" the EXPO will pass the VII forum exhibition "To Muscovites — a healthy lifestyle". Photo: vdnh.ru

C 23 till August 25, 2017 in the 75th pavilion of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" will take place the VII forum exhibition "To Muscovites — a healthy lifestyle". Within three days inhabitants of the capital will be able to pass diagnostics and to get advice from leading experts of the city, to examine innovative development and in the sphere of a healthy lifestyle, the organization of a balanced diet, and also opportunities of sports leisure and tourism to Russian Federation.


the special exposition will be presented by Moscow City Health Department. Within section «the Moscow standard of policlinic" visitors of all age will be able to pass diagnostics of various diseases, to reveal risk factors and to receive necessary recommendations. The section "Moscow — the health capital" will show possibilities of versatile capital medicine and availability of hi-tech medical care, including emergency. Here activity of profile non-profit organizations will be presented. Section "Thanks, Doctor! " will acquaint visitors with winners the professional skill, chosen by results of vote on a portal "The active citizen" — the best local therapists, pediatricians and nurses of the capital.

For convenience of visitors the exposition will be divided by

into thematic platforms:

— the Platform of complex inspection: anthopometry, calculation of an index of body weight, measurement of arterial pressure, cholesterol, glucose in blood, an assessment of food and physical activity, an assessment of action of the heart, carrying out an echocardiography.

— "Tuberculosis prevention at children" and "Hygiene of an oral cavity at children".

— Routine inspections of the population in mobile medical complexes: fluorographic office, mammografiya and ultrasonography of mammary glands, consultations of specialists oncologists.

— "Life without diabetes": consultations of leading specialists endocrinologists and distribution of information materials on healthy food and diabetes prevention.

— "Healthy food — a healthy stomach": bioimpedansometriya, assessment and diagnostics of violations of the food status, consultation of gastroenterologists and nutritionists.

— "Sober life without dependences": individual and family consultation, testing and screening diagnostics on identification of different types of dependences.

— "Time to give up smoking

! ": screening diagnostics of the content of carbon monoxide in an organism of the smoker, thematic master classes of psychiatrists and experts in narcology.

— "Healthy lungs! ": researches on the devices "spirograf", "smokelayzer", "pikfloumetr", consultations of leading pulmonologists.

— "Urological health": blood express diagnostics on PSA, ultrasonography and consultation of doctors-urologists.

— "Time to play sports! ": improving running, possibility of delivery of norms of GTO.<"34>"

— "Stop HIV/AIDS! ": express diagnostics on HIV infection.

— "Time to protect itself from flu! ": vaccination of adult population against seasonal flu.

— "Together against hepatitis": consultations of infectiologists, testing for hepatitis.

— "STOP — the STROKE! ": consultations of neurologists, express diagnostics.

— "SKLIF. RESCUE TERRITORY": demonstration expositions of neurosurgery, traumatology, laparoscopy open for reanimation, warm and pulmonary reanimation, ultrasonography of carotids.

— "Protect heart! ": consultations of cardiologists, definition of risk of cardiovascular diseases.

— "Melanoma prevention": consultations of doctors-dermatoonkologov, dermatoskopiya.

— "A depression — let's talk! ": population questioning on existence of a depression, consultation of psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists.


— "Hand over blood — save life! ": exit donor action.

Displays at the exhibition of specialized departments of Moscow Government will inform

on results of the work directed on formation of the principles of a healthy lifestyle among Muscovites. Among participants of the section — sports and tourism Department, education Department , work and social protection of the population, environmental management and environmental protection Department.

Also leading producers and suppliers of and in the field of healthy food, beauty, fitness, medicine, improving tourism and the sports industry. The forum program will include presentations, thematic lectures, meetings with medical specialists of leading Moscow clinics, educational seminars and health schools where everyone will be able to receive actual information on prevention and treatment of diseases.

Festival part of the project organized of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VDNKH" together with TV channel "Live! ", it is urged to motivate visitors on maintaining an active way of life. On the main scene of a forum will pass author's trainings, classes in yoga, aerobics, dances, Pilates, bodifleksu with participation of stars of sports and show business. Here guests of action learn real stories of transformation and healing, beauty and youth secrets from media persons. Among the invited guests — the popular fitness blogger Sanzharovskaya Helena, the singer Nelson Irina, stage and film actors Yuryeva Ilana, Polyansky Roman, Tsonku Nicholas, the choreographer of the Dances project Terekhova Natalia, leaders of TV channels "Live! " and MUSICBOX and many others.


"VDNH" Organized by JSC <0> a forum exhibition "To Muscovites — the healthy lifestyle" — is especially significant social project directed on promoting among inhabitants of the megalopolis of the principles of active and a healthy lifestyle, motivating on refusal of addictions both propagandizing timely prevention and treatment of diseases.

PLACE: pavilion No. 75.
TIME: On August 23 — 24, 2017 from 10:00 till 18:00, on August 25 from 10:00 till 16:00.
COST: entrance free.

Ilana Yuryeva
Last position: Actress of the Show "Ural Pelmeni" (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "STS")
Helena Sanzharovskaya
Last position: Fitness trainer
Irina Tyurin (Irina Nelson)
Last position: Singer, musical producer
Natalia Terekhov
Last position: Actress (Logbuk theater "Komedianty")
Polyansky Roman