Statue of the Mother of God crown in Irkutsk

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Statue of the Mother of God crown in Irkutsk

Crowning of a statue of the Fatimsky Mother of God will take place on August 20 in Irkutsk a Catholic cathedral.

As are reported by the press service of arrival of a cathedral, in Catholic church there is a tradition of coronation of statues and the icons representing the blessed virgin. Source of this tradition is the new treasured text of Revelation of Bogoslov Ioann in which it is spoken about "the wife invested with the sun; on which head a wreath from twelve stars", and the belief of simple people shown in honoring of the Mother of God through decoration of deiparous images. Also the crown on the head of the blessed virgin has something in common with God's iconographic image of mother queen existing in Catholic church. Officially the tradition of coronation of statues of the maiden Maria is approved in Catholic church in the eighth century at the father Grigory the Third.

the act of assignment of a crown on a statue of the Virgin means Today her recognition wonder-working or notes the special status of the temple in which it is how large spiritual center. Crowning of a statue of the Fatimsky Mother of God in Irkutsk takes place

in anniversary year of century of the phenomena of the Blessed Virgin in Portuguese Fátima where Virgin Mary especially urged to pray about Russian Federation. The crown for this historical act was made by the Polish artist, the author of internal furniture of the Irkutsk cathedral Vintsenty Kuchma. The crown is executed from gilded silver and decorated with precious and semiprecious stones – nephrite, lazurite, amethyst, an emerald and pearls. She was blessed for the Irkutsk temple by the father Pawel Ioann the Second, nowadays canonized by Catholic church.

the Act of assignment of a crown on a statue of the Virgin in a cathedral of Pure Heart of the Mother of God will be made the present ordinary of a diocese of Saint Joseph the bishop Klimovich Kirill and the Polish bishop by Mazur Yezhi at whom the Irkutsk cathedral was constructed.

In the territory Russian Federation statue crowning in the Catholic temple will be made for the first time.

according to a portal" information agency "Teleinform" "

Bogoslov Ioann
Pawel Ioann
Klimovich Kirill
Mazur Yezhi