Bosses PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" already earned this year more than 600 million rubles

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The Russian oil companies now are included into board fourteen people. Income of top managers PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "LUKOIL" for the first half a year of the 2017th grew by 13,7 percent in comparison with a similar indicator of 2016 and "605,39 million rubles" reached a point. About it today, on August 15, it is spoken in the quarterly report of companies...
Lyubov Khoba
Last position: Board member (PJSC Lukoil)
Ilya Mandrik
Last position: Vice-president for geological exploration and development (PJSC Lukoil)
Kukura Sergei
Subbotina Valeria
Nikitin Stanislas
PJSC Lukoil
Main activity:Mining