Young scientists of TsNIITMASh won "The innovative leader of nuclear branch"

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tsniitmash viki.jpg Four young specialists of JSC NPO Central Research Institute <6> of technology mechanical engineering" could win (TsNIITMASh) won "The innovative leader of nuclear branch".

Among winners it appeared

("Development of a technique of definition of a scope of digital detectors when carrying out x-ray the nuclear power plant equipment"), the senior research associate of Institute of metallurgy and mechanical engineering Anton Malginov ("Creation of system of electronic certification of procuring production of the equipment of the nuclear power plant") and the senior research associate of Institute of nondestructive methods of research of metals Tsukanov Maxime ("Development of a new technique ultrasonic reactor cases from an anticorrosive naplavka").

took place

to participate in a scientific educational program for corporate sector of "Industry-2035".

of TsNIITMASh enters a machine-building division State corporation "Rosatom" – Atomenergomash and settles down in the territory of the area South port (Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Street, house 4).

Anton Malginov
Last position: Chairman of the board (RAEK)
Zhukov Andrey
Tsukanov Maxime
State corporation "Rosatom"
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water