Darya Klishina. Threat of the brother and self-confidence

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of the Photo: © RIA Novosti news agency / Denisov Anton

26-letnyaya the athlete for the first time in the career won a World Cup medal — and at once silver. From the fourth time. The distance in 7 meters obeyed the girl. The press exults, fans rejoice!

A after all almost a year ago after a failure of the long-legged blonde at the Games to Rio de Janeiro the majority of experts gave the girl up as a bad job. Pier and, untwisted and, pleasant, but to the athlete of top level to her it is far. Eminent champions made a helpless gesture." Ya fell apart even not so much because of a place, how many because did not see gloss in her eyes " — the angry Olympic champion of 2004 in long jumps Tatyana Lebedeva shared then impressions.

Well, can be, and Darya Klishina did not burn, did not flare, but about what gloss in general it was possible to speak, when you one against all? Against strangers, whether and even against the …

the Joke, at the Olympic Games to Brazil Darya Klishina was the only athlete from Russian Federation — the rest forbade to go to Rio because of grandiose doping scandal. Foreign athletes slantwise glanced at it — suddenly on chemistry; the traitress called the. How? She after all agreed to perform at the Olympic Games, instead of stamped a leg from solidarity. It seemed, from Darya Klishina in advance waited for a failure … Moreover, to it it wished.

 Photo <p>: © RIA Novosti news agency / Denisov Anton </p>

But Darya Klishina with honor and a smile passed all tests: intrigues Richard McLaren, charges of "treachery", an agiotage round the person and... such bitter ninth place at the Games. In the first attempt Darya Klishina showed the 6,63, second brought it result and that less — 6,60. The third — at all 6,53.<"51>" the Sportswoman then almost nobody supported

… And it, having brushed away from itself a disappointment raid, continued to work hard. After all the main people believed in her — parents and the mentor Sigreyv Lauren.

Family time ‍‍ Time with a family ‍‍

the Publication from The official Darya Klishina (@dariaklishina) of Dec 14 2016 at 10:54 PST

according to the ex-head of VFLA Balakhnicheva Valentine, in that situation in which there was Darya Klishina at the Games to Brazil, far not everyone could prove to be in all beauty.

— Rio de Janeiro costs independently in career of any participant of these defective Olympic Games without our track and field athletics presence — Layfu Balakhnichev told. — And especially in career of the only participant of a Russian team Darya Klishina. Huge psychological pressure and lack of a habitual situation could not but influence its performance to Brazil.

— Besides change of the trainer seldom is painless for the athlete and demands time (In 2013 Darya Klishina left the trainer Shemigon Olga to the outstanding athlete Sigreyv Lauren. — the Comment of Layf ).

 Photo <p>: © RIA Novosti news agency / Denisov Anton </p>

Judging by smart result in London, now at Darya Klishina everything is good: she is quiet and ready to feats. Darya Klishina forgot about failure in Rio and, at last, got used to the new mentor foreigner. Besides, shortly before the World Cup the girl gained moral strength to native Tver and … to Italy.

Another beautiful place in %23Italy %23rieti %23longjump %23sunflower

the Publication from The official Darya Klishina (@dariaklishina) of Jul 26 2017 at 11:55 PDT

While competitors exhausted

worked in the pleasure, walked, bathed and ate positive emotions in a small Italian commune — Rieti.

This is how you get ice bath in Italy %23nikewomen %23longjump %23italy

the Publication from The official Darya Klishina (@dariaklishina) of Jul 22 2017 PDT

the contribution in silver of the sportswoman were brought at 11:11 also by the cousin of Darya Klishina — Maxim who too once was engaged in long jumps." He called Darya Klishina after qualification and told that will give it on the head if she does not throw out from it all excess thoughts and alarms " — Tverisport.ru Darya Klishina — Kirillov Youri shared with the Tver information portal .

the Girl child prodigy

Darya Klishina became well-known in early youth. At first the talented girl was engaged in volleyball to native Tver, but later the father athlete sent the daughter to individual sports. In 13 years blond the thin person at competitions was noticed by the Moscow trainer Shemigon Olga and obtained for it a place in school of the Olympic reserve. So prompt sports career of the little girl from the city between Moscow and Saint Petersburg began.

In the World Cup indoors 2010 in Doha the 19-year-old Russian took the fifth place. In a year on youth continental superiority Darya Klishina showed the second result of a season in the world among adults and established a record of the championships Europe among youth — 7,05, and in 2013 won gold on University games to Kazan.

to All of excellent days off ✌ Have a great weekend everyone ✌

the Publication from The official Darya Klishina (@dariaklishina) of Apr 1 2017 at 11:27 PDT

the Fair hair and a lovely smile became the card of Darya Klishina — foreign mass media called the girl "the most sexual Russian sportswoman". And then trauma, conflict to the trainer and moving to United States of America … Such changes are not painless — inevitably there came recession … till 2017.

Yes, in the current season to the World Cup Darya Klishina did not show good results. Whether but so it is important when on a breast silver London hangs? The trainer prepared the ward for the main start. And only it matters.

Seven meters not a limit

After the London final which it becomes certain critical in Darya Klishina, Sigreyv Lauren declared that his ward is capable to jump further. Once the sportswoman already overcame a boundary of seven meters. Business remained for small: to repeat and improve result.

— Early to distribute to

medals of Games to Tokyo, but Darya Klishina already has some advantage — Balakhnichev considers. — It is sure, it has all ahead.

— Valentin Vasilyevich, and after all very many delivered on Darya Klishina a cross after Games to Rio …


— Understand, up as a bad job he can give the athlete only — a serious trauma or a dope. Without going into technical details which are interesting to only a narrow circle of experts, now Darya Klishina looks more surely psychologically and is stabler in the technical plan.

 Photo <p>: © RIA Novosti news agency / Denisov Anton </p>

After Darya Klishina descended from a World Cup podium, she through the page in website "Instagram" thanked all those people who believed in her all these years:

— I have now no many words, but I simply want to tell many thanks for your support! Everything who believed in me, and, of course, to my tremendous team — Darya Klishina wrote.

of One of Darya Klishina our glorified jumper congratulated on a pole Helena Isinbaeva ". Just Darya Klishina won the first silver medal of the World Cup with very decent result — 7 meters. Well done!" — the double Olympic champion on the page wrote to social networks.

is valid, well done! it is possible to look At this jump infinitely...