Motor rally "Road to ! " came to the end in Altai territory

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On August 11 in Altai territory motor rally "the Road to came to the end with ! " , start which in the region was given on August 9. More than 150 participants from 15 regions Russian Federation visited the enterprises of milk-processing branch Altai territory. Besides excursions took place the conference "Prospects of development of cheese making to Russian Federation. Place Altai territory and respublika Altay". Speakers became the chief of ADMINISTRATION OFFICE ALTAI TERRITORY ON FOOD, PROCESSING, PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGIES Zelenina Tatyana , the director of the Center of studying Mishchenko Mikhail , the leading expert of the international independent analytical and consulting agency Veronique La Güera .

Mikhail Mishchenko

according to the head of department Zelenina Tatyana, motor rally "the Road to ! " - very timely action which assumes an exchange of experience, advance of , discussion of problems of branch and perspective drafts of their decision. She noted that in Altai territory are occupied with production of cheeses and cheese , the region is included in the three of leaders on production to Russian Federation (cheeses, cottage cheese, oil, serum).

Excursion to the milk-processing enterprise

"But cannot be rested

on laurels because new economic realities complicate tasks to producers simply. And our milk-processing enterprises try to reconstruct the productions, develop new to be competitive in the market. For example, the Salairsky maslosyrzavod started production of a new type of semi-firm Pleyar cheese , enriched with sodium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. The Kiprino group of companies developed cheese with the short term of maturing till 30 days. The dairy companies of edge conduct continuous work on expansion of geography of deliveries. In the region the trend of development of small enterprises on processing is noted. Today in the region exists of 16 mini-productions , three of which opened in 2016. the Altai producers are presented in the majority of regions Russian Federation", - Zelenina Tatyana told.

the Director of the Center of studying Mishchenko Mikhail noted that for advance of in the Russian market producers need "to raise" the consumer. "Today many enterprises invite children to excursions on plants as it is future buyers. It is necessary to understand what exactly since the childhood is put a habit to consume this or that . For example, French actively give to children cheese with a mold since three years", - he declared.

of the Photo: administration Altai territory on food, overworking,
and to biotechnologies

the Reference: In the first half of the year in farms of all categories Altai territory made 666,2 thousand tons . In six months production of increased by 2,4% in comparison with the similar period of last year. Let's remind: Altai territory is the leader among producers of butter to Russian Federation.