In State health care institution THAT "Kireevskaya central repair base" discussed work of surgery and Council of nurses

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Took place the next meeting of Public council State health care institution THAT "Kireevskaya central repair base". During action some questions were considered.


the report on rendering the surgical help in Kireyevsk district was made by the manager of surgical office State health care institution THAT "Kireevskaya central repair base" Petrovsky Boris .

by words Petrovsky Boris , now in the area work seven doctors – the general surgeons. The manager of office noted that according to the staff list on 61 366 adult populations Kireyevsk district are necessary 12,5 positions of surgeons.

— In the area at working seven doctors occupied 11,5 rates. Thus, surgeons work actually for 1,5 and more rates — Petrovsky Boris told.

Telling about a place of work of surgeons, the manager of office reported that four doctors work in TsRB hospital, three — provide assistance in area policlinics. Besides, in the Borodino policlinic reception is conducted by the paramedic with 34-year length of service, and in Bolokhovsky policlinic two days in a week are conducted by reception the surgeon of the Tula regional antitubercular hospital.

by words Petrovsky Boris , for the last five years in the area remain one of the lowest indicators of security with the general surgeons.


Reporting on polyclinic work of surgeons of TsRB, the manager of office reported that one of its directions is medical examination of patients. In all surgical offices there are instructive materials on carrying out medical examination of the population with surgical diseases. Surgeons also participate in carrying out routine, periodic inspections. Petrovsky Boris noted that in 2016 in all policlinics the number of patients revealed decreased at professional surveys.

Telling about the stationary help, Petrovsky Boris reported that it is to patients State health care institution THAT "Kireevskaya central repair base" office of the general surgery on 50 beds. Last year doctors of office performed 757 operations, from them: 391 – planned, 366 — emergency. In recent years surgeons of a hospital acquired the second profession: "ultrasonic diagnostics and endoscopic inspections" that reduces terms of clinical inspection of patients with sharp pathology of a stomach.

determined routing of patients with urological pathology (State health care institution THAT "Tulskaya oblastnaya clinical hospital", Novomoskovsk city clinical hospital). Outpatient appointment of urological patients on the basis of Kireevsky policlinic remains. Rendering the stationary help to children is concentrated on the basis of children's regional hospital.

by words Petrovsky Boris , in the area for the last 15 years remain rather high rates of a lethality. In a year in office perishes to 78 patients, and the greatest percent — is patients with cancer defeats, vascular intestines pathologies, liver cirrhoses, sharp pathology of a stomach.

Petrovsky Boris paid attention that often a cause of the tragedy is the started form of an available disease when to rescue the patient it is almost impossible. For this reason big emphasis in work of surgical service is placed on polyclinic work, population medical examination during which the doctor reveals a disease and explains to the patient importance of timely treatment of an illness.

Making comments on speech of the manager of surgical office, the chief physician State health care institution THAT "Kireevskaya central repair base" Konstantinov Anatoly told that, despite constant insufficiency of financing, the surgical service in Kireyevsk district works and continues to develop.

It also added that reorganization of surgical office during which the quantity of beds as the analysis of activity of office showed will be reduced will be probably carried out that the available quantity of beds is not completely demanded. However, thus the chief physician noted that the personnel structure of office will be kept.

— Especially as the surgical service in Kireyevsk district remains to one of leaders to Tula region — Konstantinov Anatoly summarized.


the report on work of Council of nurses State health care institution THAT "Kireevskaya central repair base" was made by the chief nurse of regional hospital Helena Telkova.

She reported that Council of nurses is created for coordination of work of the nursing and younger staff of LPU. Council included 17 senior nurses of offices. Management of Council is carried out by the chief nurse.

Once a month there take place organization meetings where different questions are considered: professional development of employees, sanitary and epidemiologic condition of offices, passing of medical examinations of employees, catering services of patients and others.

organized work of Council on sectors, inspections of work of offices on service of patients, the account and storage of drugs, catering services of patients, to implementation of sanitary standards are carried out.


Completely a material read in issue of the newspaper of August 24

Helena Telkova
Last position: Director of development and realization of services of JSC Gorseti
Petrovsky Boris
Konstantinov Anatoly