Sportivny Bridge in the future: The soccer team from Sakha (Yakutia) Republic went on friendly matches to Japan

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the Soccer team from Sakha (Yakutia) Republic left to Japan for carrying out three friendly matches with the youthful national teams of the cities Nayoro, Bifuka and Kengbuti. The agreement was reached after a victory of football players from the rising sun Country on the International sports "Children of Asia".

we Will remind

, the delegation headed by the chairman of Japanese committee of assistance Sakha (Yakutia) Republic to Horiya Manab visited the republic on July 13. During a trip guests examined national sports. Visit of in detail is described in Baramygin Nicholas . Let's note that Japanese did not resist that to compete with each other in mas-wrestling .


Besides, during a meeting with the head of the republic Yegor Borisov to Hobiya Manab expressed readiness to develop economic cooperation of regions , the Yakut national sports and culture on the homeland. The deputy noted that after a deserved victory of football players on the International sports "Children of Asia" the Japanese party expressed readiness to accept group of young athletes from Sakha (Yakutia) Republic.

Pupils of Republican specialized football school for children and young people under the direction of the director of the center of physical training and children's youthful sports Varlamov Mikhail arrived to Tokyo on August 8. Before a trip of 15 football players passed the strengthened 10-day training on the basis of country camp "Svyazist".

they first of all went To Japan

Nedelny visit includes the extensive and interesting program. Besides three friendly matches a baby is expected by fascinating excursion on Tokyo and a meeting with the mayor Nayoro. The delegation also will visit the centers for archery and production of pottery.

the Meeting was organized by

with support of department of external relations of the republic and Ministry formations of Region. The trip took place within the program of the Russian-Japanese center of youth exchanges.

of the Power Sakha (Yakutia) Republic pay much attention to cooperation with the rising sun Country. Within a Year Russian Federation to Japan in 2018 are planned tours of the State opera and ballet theater, presentation of national sports — mas-wrestling and hapsagy, and also Yakut kukhni.

Yegor Borisov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and environmental management)
Baramygin Nicholas
Varlamov Mikhail
Ministry formations of Region
Government Agency