The British, seeking to obtain other nationality after "Brekzit"

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More than one million citizens of Her Majesty which have located on the continent, feel disregarded the government at negotiations on "Brekzit". They find any opportunities for receiving a dual citizenship that is feasible not in all countries of EU, the correspondent writes newspaper "Le Figaro" in London Floranten Kolon.

This question had to become a priority number one in negotiations on "Brekzit". It is easiest to settle it as the good will was proclaimed both parties. Nevertheless, London and to Brussels does not manage to come to the agreement on destiny of 3,2 million European citizens who have located to United Kingdom, and on a fate of 1,2 million British registered on the continent. If the first are object of close attention from outside EU, the second feel buried in oblivion from own government." Us completely ignore. We do not have anybody who would represent us, and we hardly can force to hear our voice. We simply pawn", - Dobson Catherine complain, the British who has lodged in Region of Poitou-Charentes where she issues the illustrated magazine for British to France Living extended with a circulation of 32 thousand copies, is told in article.

After two rounds of negotiations in Brussels the situation still remains to

a little not clear. Offers of EU force to reconsider a freedom of movement of the British citizens who can actually be "placed under house arrest" in that state where they appeared at the time of "Brekzit", without the right freely to settle in other countries Europe ". If you live in Luxembourg and work in Brussels as I, am accident", - Godfri Fiona, the consultant for health care and the foundress of British Immigrants Living in Luxembourg (Brill) explains. To increase the chances, many British citizens working abroad, seek to obtain nationality of other country. Such is intention of 70% of residents Luxembourg, interrogated Brill. Still it is necessary to live there not less than five years and successfully to hand over the test for level of knowledge of the Luxembourg language, the author specifies.

Such choice of nationality is impossible in nine European countries from twenty eight where the dual citizenship is not authorized, is spoken in article. Where it is authorized, "criteria vary in the different countries and even as to Germany, in different regions", Daniel Tetlou, the vice-president of British in Europe association living in Berlin tells. This association numbering 35 thousand members, replenishes with a speed from 50 to 100 people a day." For the first time British feel need to be organized for Europe", - he speaks.

From here mass invasion on obtaining the European passports. 60% of British would prefer to keep the European nationality, on researches of the London school of economy and political sciences. They want to combine the incompatible. Even those who lives to United Kingdom, dig up resources to get the second passport. They are let in frenzied genealogical searches. 10% from them can apply for the Irish nationality if at least their grandfather or the grandmother were born on the island. Suddenly requests for the Irish passports to United Kingdom jumped up for 50% after "Brekzit", writes Kolon. For minority of the British citizens having disgust for "Brekzit", it is necessary to ensure possibility of departure. "I know much more British who left from United Kingdom after a referendum, than those compatriots who there returned", - Daniel Tetlou assures.