repair of a resbolnitsa goes to Kalmykia ahead of schedule

@RIA Kalmykija
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chapter Republic of Kalmykia Orlov Aleksey visited Today Republican hospital of P. Zhemchuyev where checked a course of repair work.

it accompanied the Deputy Prime Minister of RK Badma-Garyaev Mergen , the Minister of Health of RK Nagaev Ruslan , the minister of construction, transport and road economy of RK Botov Kirill, Resbolnitsa's Budzhalov Damba and journalists of republican mass media .

At present in the building make repair of the fourth floor where offices of pulmonology and the onkokhirurgiya, the second floor – dialysis office, and the central ladder will settle down. Chapter Republic of Kalmykia not the first time personally checks a course of works in Resbolnitsa. It holds this question on continuous .

we Will remind

, the head of the republic after the address on a straight line of the inhabitant Elista, the disabled person of the I group which asked the following question decided to visit object together with journalists: "What is made in the republic for creation available Wednesdays for disabled people with defeats of the musculoskeletal device? Even in Resbolnitsa there are no the hand-rail, special bathrooms, chambers, office of rehabilitation for disabled people". There was also the second question: "When repair in this establishment will be complete? ".

"Here now we came, and at once is evident that the person on a wheelchair will not be able to get without assistance to the building", is there was the first that told of Orlov Aleksey to ministers meeting it Botov Kirill and Nagaev Ruslan . "We will surely provide all this", – answered this of Botov Kirill . Also added: "Repair work goes ahead of schedule for two months". This fact to the head visually showed on the scheme where green color noted already repaired offices, blue – rooms where works still go, and red – just are coming. "We needed to change the equipment in the central sterilizing office. The ventilation system" will be in addition completely replaced, – reported of Botov Kirill . He also emphasized that the main lobby will be repaired also.

"Here this case we completely will finish

this year? ", – asked then the main issue of Orlov Aleksey . To it answered that means in the republics are provided, but with passing rest for 2018. If all money was put this year, works in the main case could be finished this winter. Alekseyorlov gave to an assignment – it interview allowed to work an adjustment question resbyudzheta with the ministry of PK.<"31>"

I after building survey to journalists of republican mass media: "There is a strong wish that both the government, and contractors kept the promise, and until the end of the year for 90 percent repair work was complete. Though intervention in respect of assignment for the current year, of course, is necessary. Today the contractor goes with a two-month advancing of the schedule. If everything is as is planned, maybe, in October we will reconsider resbyudzhet, and we will try the hall of the first floor, a ladder partially to make. So we will hope that we will keep the promises".

Kirill Ivanovich Botov
Main activity:Politician
Aleksey Orlov
Last position: Senator from executive body of the government of the Republic of Kalmykia (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Badma-Garyaev Mergen
Nagaev Ruslan
Budzhalov Damba
Ministry finansov
Government Agency