The Russian Porridge festival proceeds in Belgorod

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the culinary abilities were shown on August 3 also by inhabitants of the 27th and 12th city districts.

During the holiday in the run-up to the City Day in the territory of the 27th city district celebrated veterans and awarded activists of Council of the territory. Besides, in the same day the residential district became one of Russian Porridge festival platforms.

"When in soul — the love, and porridge will be madly tasty" — opens the main secret of preparation of a dish the activist of the 27th city district Aleksanyan Varvara.

On the Russian Porridge festival inhabitants of this residential district prepared for

dishes according to five different recipes.

"I know

about all actions which take place in the district. Always I participate in them. When learned that will pass this festival, invited also the acquaintances to take part. I prepared on boiled rice with rice and honey" — the participant of an asset of the district Danilova Tatyana told.

Activists of the 12th city district spent a holiday and a festival on the Belgorod Arbat.

"We decided to spend a holiday here. Here it is beautiful and convenient for inhabitants. Time chose evening that those who works could approach and that was not so hot. In a word, we tried to think over everything" — the secretary of Council of the territory No. 12 Naumova Nadezhda shared with us the chief specialist of department of development and the maintenance of territories of committee on management Zapadny okrug City administration.

the Concert program prepared by "Officers' Club", forced to stop and passersby. Vocal and choreographic numbers of actors of establishment, and also performance of pupils of school No. 19 did not leave indifferent anybody. Appearance of the constant participant of a festival — a bear became a joyful surprise for the least audience.

the Culmination of evening became tasting of the porridges prepared by inhabitants of the district.

"I prepared for

porridge according to the favourite recipe. It bears a faint resemblance to pilaf. I often it prepare houses" — the participant Petrova Helena shared with us.

the District stage of the Russian Porridge festival will proceed in Belgorod till August 5. The big city holiday in the City Day in Victory park and on the museum square becomes end of this culinary marathon.

Stolyarova Ludmila

of the Photo of autora

Aleksanyan Varvara
Danilova Tatyana
Naumova Nadezhda
Petrova Helena
Stolyarova Ludmila
City administration
Government Agency