The interdepartmental working group started studying of investment potential Nozhay-Yurt district Chechen Republic

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In Administration of the municipal district Nozhay-Yurtovsk of the Chechen Republic took place the first exit meeting of the interdepartmental working group on preparation of offers on social and economic development of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal region of ChR.

Kak the press service of Ministry for transport and communications Chechen Republic reports, meeting took place within execution of an order of Head of ChR Ramzan Kadyrov and according to the order of the head of Administration of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic Usmaeva Vakhita.

Discussion took place

under the chairmanship of the First Deputy head of Administration of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic, the head of the working group Izrayilov Abdulkakhir. The members of the working group representing practically all ministries and departments, committees and region managements, and also the head of administration of the Nozhay-Yurtovsky municipal area, the head of administrations of rural settlements of this territory, heads of departments, the organizations and the establishments functioning in the area took part in it.

during meeting discussed the problem questions of rural settlements demanding the decision both on local, and at regional level, increase of investment appeal of the territory and actual projects for financial investments. Following the results of meeting, the working group Nozhay-Yurt district on activities of members of the working group are entrusted to carry out the analysis and an assessment of perspective development and to prepare the offers aimed at the social and economic development of this mountain territory taking into account existing opportunities.