The fund of cinema will support the movie about Tsoi Victor

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took place submission of future film projects of the organizations which are not among movie companies - leaders of domestic film production Less than two weeks ago. And here already the Board of trustees of fund approved the list from 35 projects. In the list of the supported - 11 comedies, 7 animation movies, 5 horrors, 4 military dramas. But, before we will tell which, we will be glad for the new movie Mindadze Alexander "Parquet".
shootings uzhe the fourth part "Snow queen" Very soon will begin

the Board of trustees of Fund of cinema made the decision to allocate funds for development of this picture. These are returnable money which the fund gives out on project development that work on it did not stop. The observer of website "Rossiyskaya gazeta" called Mindadze Alexandra, whose relations with state support develop not easy (to remember enough his project "Lovely Hans. Dear Buslov Petr" for which Ministry of culture in the beginning did not allocate funds) to congratulate, and asked when we will see its new movie telling about destiny of the dancer.


God grant that in a year I began shooting, - were answered by Mindadze Alexander , - think that in one and a half years we will see the movie.

All other projects were estimated by the Scenario working group and Advisory council of Fund of cinema, on the basis of the materials presented by movie companies and presentations during internal protection of film projects." Winners" - those who received the highest estimates of Advisory council.

So, we will see movies: Aleksey Yefimovich Uchitel about Tsoi Victor (the picture and is called "Tsoi"), Valery Todorovsky "Hypnosis" (about the well-known hypnotist Raykov Vladimir). The project about Streltsov Edouard is supported also - it is removed under the name of "Sagittariuses" also by studio Aleksey Yefimovich Uchitel "Fate". Matison  Anna and Bezrukov Sergei with quiet soul Kiselev Nicholas can prepare for work on the movie "Continent" about a feat of the guerrilla.

Well, those who loves animated films, I can be glad that there will be continuations of "Belka and Strelka", "Wolves and sheep" and "The snow queen". And also new "Fiksiki" and animation movie "Tsarevna and dragon: Secret of a magic mirror".

Wants to congratulate and Buslov Petr - it will begin to shoot the movie "Brought Down by Progress" with Tribuntsev Timofey in one of leading roles. And also Borisevich Roman - it with colleagues will finish the animated film "Big Travel" which is urged to please and Russian Federation, and Europe, and Asia... To the viewer from what will choose.

Who decided destiny of movies

At meeting of the Board of trustees of Fund of cinema under the chairmanship of the adviser President of the Russian Federation on culture Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy there was the press secretary of the chairman of Government of the Russian Federation Natalya Timakova, the first deputy minister of Russian Federation Tatyana Nesterenko, the chairman of Committee State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on culture, the director Stanislas Govorukhin, the head of department President of the Russian Federation according to public projects Sergei Novikov, the director general of the First channel Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, director of the department of cinematography Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Telnov Vyacheslav, director general of TV channel "Rossiya" Zlatopolsky Anton, head of Department of culture of Government of the Russian Federation Skorospelov Petr, director general of Mosfilm film concern Karen Shakhnazarov, Rosimushchestvo chapter Federal Agency for State Property Management Dimitri Pristanskov, chairman of "Kinosoyuz", director Popogrebsky Aleksey, executive director of Fund of cinema Malyshev Anton.