Chess. Morozevich Alexander on tournament won against Ponomarev Ruslan

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passes large chess tournament in which Russian Federation is represented by the grand master Morozevich Alexander In the Swiss Bill. Seven rounds of competition took place and our athlete goes in group of persecutors of leaders. The day before it beat the Ukrainian Ponomarev Ruslan.

the Party in which Morozevich Alexander played white figures, came to the end after the 29th course with its victory, reports information agency "RIA Novosti" . Round in general turned out productive: only one party of the Czech Navara Davide and Pentala Harikrishna from India was neutral.

Chinese woman Hou Ifan beat the Frenchman Bakro Etienne, the Hungarian Leko Peter was stronger than the Armenian Vaganyan Raphael, the Swiss Georgiadis Niko won against the compatriot Noel Shtuder.

On 4,5 points after seven rounds were gathered by Hou Ifan, Harikrishna, Bakro Etienne and Georgiadis Niko, on 4 points at Ponomarev Ruslan and Morozevich Alexander, Leko Peter (3,5), Navara Davide (2,5), Vaganyan Raphael (2) and Shtuder (1) follow further. Tournament in Bill will come to the end on August 2.

Davide Navara
Last position: The professional athlete on chess
Pentala Kharikrishna
Last position: The professional athlete on chess