Inhabitants Belgorod Novy Oskol celebrated the 370 anniversary of the hometown

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Administration of the municipal district Novy Oskol of the Belgorod region Belgorod region reported that to Novy Oskol 370 years


In the message were executed said that "To congratulate residents and the area with a holiday there arrived presidents of the International congress of industrialists and businessmen, the Honourable citizen Novy Oskol district Victor Konstantinovich Glukhikh, the first deputy chairman Belgorod region region duma Sklyarov Alexander, the chairman of committee on agro-industrial complex Belgorod region region duma Mikhail Nikolaevich Ponedelchenko, the vice rector on BGTU named after V. G. Shukhova Borisovsky Vladimir, head of department of mobilization preparation and civil defense Belgorod region Klimenko Vladimir, heads and representatives of administrations Alexeyevka district, Krasnoe district, Rovenki district, Volokonovka district, Krasnogvardeysky rayon, Chernyanka district.

Ceremonial opening of a holiday "370 nice years! " began in a city recreation park. Inhabitants and guests of a celebration the head of administration greeted Novy Oskol district Gridnev Andrey Nikolaevich: "Birthday of our nice city is always a long-awaited and favourite holiday which unites all inhabitants of the area. Based nearly four centuries ago, Novy Oskol is proud of many nice pages of the history. The next birthday meets the regional center in the status of the hero of the anniversary.

Exactly 370 years ago Novy Oskol became one of the main fortified cities in the Belgorod zasechny line. Today the image of the modern well-planned developed city successfully is combined with its rich spiritual traditions. In shape Novy Oskol old times and the present organically are in harmony. Work of his inhabitants from year to year the regional center becomes krashe, actively is under construction and develops. It is sincerely grateful to you for unindifference, goodheartedness and responsibility! The work and talent you build the present and the future of our favourite edge! Therefore as the best gift for it your progress and achievements serve! ".

in conclusion of the speech Gridnev Andrey Nikolaevich wished

to novooskolets of a good health, good mood, internal harmony and family happiness, the world and wellbeing, optimism and progress in affairs for the city and area benefit".

In the message it is noted by

that "In day of celebration of anniversary of the city novooskolets who made a big socially significant contribution to social and economic development of the area did not remain unaddressed.
So, Aleksandrov Anatoly and Bokov Vasilii awarded ranks "The honourable citizen Novy Oskol district".
For the first time the head of administration Novy Oskol district handed over to 22 novooskolets new awards of municipality - the medal "For Merits before Novooskolskaya's Earth" for production, research activity and a big personal contribution to social and economic development Novy Oskol district.
Young inhabitants of the area for high achievements in education area , sciences, physical culture and sport were awarded by the medal "Property of Earth of Novooskolskaya" which too was founded to area anniversary.

the Concert program proceeded a festival of national creativity "Big Russian Federation a small corner" with participation of the best soloists and creative collectives Novy Oskol district.

For all comers here, in the park territory, work of numerous interactive platforms, expositions and exhibitions was presented to

. Excursion on festive platforms began with Istorii Avenue where guests were told about outstanding historic figures of the novooskolsky earth: founder of the city tsar Romanov Aleksey, detective Putilin Yvan, princess to Romanova Olga, commander Budenny Semen.

On the following platforms flower-shows, pictures of local artists, private collections, various exhibitions of works of masters decoratively - applied creativity, the master - classes settled down. The particular interest in inhabitants and city visitors was caused by an interactive exhibition of rural settlements "From winter up to one summer better than the village is not present". Here villagers told about distinctive features of the district - brands of territories, about the new and settled holidays which are in rural settlements, about the unique customs and traditions.

the Department of study of local lore of the Central regional library too presented to

the exposition "From fortifications to the prospering city". On a city and area holiday within an exhibition about the achievements told educational and sports institutions. The exhibition of the enterprises of agriculture and processing industry became traditional.

Near park, in the territory fizkulturno - an improving complex, the retro exhibition - cars and motor-technicians "the City settled down. Time. Cars". Young generation of novooskolets - prize-winners of the regional championship on an auto sound and a drift, took active part in an exhibition and showed to guests the modern cars and the last achievements .

the Indelible impression on participants of a holiday was made by a historical design of events of the XVII century where production battle with participation of clubs Belgorod region took place.

On a central square Novy Oskol inhabitants and city visitors this day with the performances were pleased by creative staff of regional Recreation center and the Center of cultural development "Oskol".

the holiday" Came to the end with bright fireworks with
