Digital clan: as it is arranged IT and business children of the curator Internet in Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

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The retirement of head of TsIB of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Gerasimov Andrey coincided with termination of work of a site and phone of companies "Lintekhno" who is engaged in information security. As found out daily business newspaper "RBK daily", among founders and owners of this of companies — children Gerasimov Andrey...
Andrey Vorobyev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Moscow region)
Andrey Aleksandrovich Borodin
Last position: Director of Administrative department (MINTSIFRA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Vladimir Ulyanov
Last position: Head of analytical center Zecurion (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SEKYURIT")
Gerasimov Andrey
Kharseev Oleg