Building of the territory of the Rostov airport can begin by the end of 2018

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the Kortros Company can already begin building of the territory of the Rostov airport in 2018, the head of administration told Rostov Vitaly Kushnarev.

According to him, at the first stage of development of the territory, the earth will be transferred to after aircraft service opening in the Platov airport. "I think that in 2018 of "Kortros" will begin project works, probably, by the end of the year will be able will start construction" — Vitaly Kushnarev noted.

Before daily business newspaper "RBK daily" the South reported

that construction of a housing estate on a place of the old Rostov airport planned to begin in 2017

we Will remind, the operating Rostov airport plan to close in connection with construction near Rostov the airport Platov complex. In May, 2015 LLC "KORTROS HOLDING" reported the management about development of the concept of a new housing estate in the airline hub territory.

According to plans , the total area of new ZhK will make 3,9 mln sq.m. From them 750 thousand sq.m will be taken away under social objects, 350 more thousand sq.m — under commercial real estate. The former runway becomes a dominant of the new area, these 15 hectares are planned to transform to a foot zone. The volume of in the project is estimated at 200 billion rubles


according to SPARK system, LLC "KORTROS HOLDING" is registered in 2015. The company is the assignee of JSC Renova-Holdings Rus. Prezidentooo "Kortros Holding" — Golubitsky Benjamin. Primary activity — activities for management of the holding companies. Financial performance in system of SPARK is absent.

Vitaly Kushnarev
Main activity:Official
Golubitsky Benjamin