PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" is left by the management - At own will

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PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" is left by the executive director and the vice-chairman of board. The organization reported about it on Friday. The chief executive officer Maris Manchinskis leaves from the post on family circumstances. Also the vice-chairman of board Panchenko Oksana leaves from banks. She decided to return to Moscow. In bank note that the corporate block of the organization will be headed by the vice-chairman of board Vladimir Pavlovich Skatin. Board members of the organization will distribute functions among themselves later. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK "SAINT PETERSBURG" works since 1990...
Vladimir Pavlovich Skatin
Last position: Vice chairman of the board (PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg)
Panchenko Oksana
PJSC Bank Saint Petersburg
Main activity:Finance