In Saint Petersburg declared nominees of the theatrical award "Gold Spotlights-2017"

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Nominees of the highest theatrical award Saint Petersburg "Gold spotlights-2017" became known. The list included names about fifty attendants of Melpomene — actors, directors, artists and representatives of other scenic specialties, especially noted in an ended theatrical season, names of popular performances and the whole creative collectives, including, non-state theaters which also will be overcome for a prestigious award, report News news agency on Thursday, July 20...
Andrey Moguchy
Main activity:Official
Alexander Galibin
Last position: Actor, director, theatrical figure
Maria Lavrova
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Alexander Kuzin
Last position: Chief director (State budget cultural institution WITH youth theater "SamArt")
Dmitry Vorobyev
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)