Kremlev Umar Nazarovich: On July 22 in Day of boxing on Red Square 10 thousand people will take part

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Generalny the secretary of Federation of boxing Kremlev Umar Nazarovich in interview to the special correspondent of Sport News Agency "R-Sport" told Russian Federation grandiose open training and bright evening of professional boxing.

the Open lesson will be conducted by double Olympic champions Lagutin Boris, Saitov Oleg and Tishchenko Aleksey . To a ring there are known Russian boxers - Aloyan Mikhail , Mekhontsev Yegor , Chudinov Fedor , Kashtanov Stanislas and some other.

- Kremlev Umar Nazarovich how the idea of carrying out Day of boxing on July 22, especially on Red Square in Moscow was born?

- us are faced by a task as it is possible to popularize our sport more widely. In February the new administrative board of Federation of boxing Russian Federation was chosen, the new charter of the organization is adopted, and we needed to give new breath to boxing development in the country. We gave rise idea to make official Day of the Russian boxing which we did not have that every year it was a national holiday. And we filed documents to Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation about recognition of Day of the Russian boxing.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Trefilov Vladimir to Pass into photobank
Kremlev Umar Nazarovich
Got official permission to base Day of the Russian boxing, then submitted an application for carrying out in Moscow executive committee of the International association of amateur boxing (AIBA) which was approved. After that we placed the order for carrying out in 2019 to Russian Federation the World Cup among men, and because all elite of world boxing in the third decade of July will gather in Moscow, we made the decision on July 22 officially to declare in the Afternoon of the Russian boxing.

As such important event is carried out by

to Russian Federation for the first time, thought of how to make it the most large-scale, and made the decision to carry out on July 22 on the Red Square open trainings for thousands of young men and girls, and also to organize similar actions in all federal districts. At first planned that everything will be organized in one of regions of each district, and now it turns out that the interested regions it turns out even more, than districts - in some in our action will participate on two-three subjects of federation.

Was an idea to carry out open trainings with participation of eminent boxers in all 85 regions Russian Federation, but we still had not enough time for preparation. Let's plan everything so that since next year Day of the Russian boxing passed on July 22 in all subjects Russian Federation.

- Already knows, how many the cities will take part in actions, and also total number of participants?

- Day of the Russian boxing will pass in 15 cities of the country, and total of athletes who will take in it part on all Russian Federation - about 30 thousand people.

- you intend to submit an application for action inclusion by number of participants to the Ginness's World Records organization. By what number of athletes you are guided?

Chiming clock on Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin
© information agency "RIA Novosti". Astapkovich Vladimir to Pass into photobank
the Chiming clock on Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin
- At first we made a start from the minimum quantity about three thousand people, but now we plan to collect on July 22 on Red Square about ten thousand young men and girls.

- the Figure impresses, but whether such number of people on Red Square will go in?

- Yes, we accurately counted in advance everything and planned that everything was made orderly. Specially trained volunteers who will place people on certain places will work.

- When there arrive to Moscow representatives of "Ginnes's world records" which will register achievement?

- Experts already accepted at us all necessary documents, since Thursday begin the work on Red Square. We began installation of a special scene, a ring and tribunes for fans and guests of honor. We do all necessary to present to people a holiday.

- it was How difficult to

to get permission for carrying out such large-scale action on Red Square?

- you understand that Red Square - a special place Moscow and only Russian Federation. Certainly, to us it was difficult because it is carried out for the first time. But boxing is the national sport, one of the most popular and mass in our country. Asked, persuaded, wrote, and to us believed that we will be able to spend such grandiose holiday. And we will try not to bring those heads of the organizations and departments who entrusted us the organization of Day of the Russian boxing on the Red Square. Intend to make everything beautifully, effectively, brightly.

- For certain this day will take unprecedented measures of ?


- Certainly, the staff of various services of will work there, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also we requested the help to the management of National guard. Therefore everything will be made to exclude the slightest possibility of any incidents. Everything goes according to the plan, we wait for our holiday of inhabitants of the capital and city visitors.

- As apprehended your invitation to conduct lessons Lagutin Boris, Saitov Oleg, Tishchenko Aleksey?

Oleg Saitov
© information agency "RIA Novosti". Krasnoukhov Sergei to Pass into photobank
Saitov Oleg
- All of them were happy, after all at first I discussed idea of carrying out open training with them on Red Square because such event still never was. And all our winners of the Olympic Games very much were delighted, having learned that become participants of such unique holiday of boxing. And our many Olympic champions and world champions will be involved in regions. And all of them apprehended positively such very strong turn in boxing and so great attention to all domestic boxing.

- Can call surnames of known boxers which will carry out open trainings in regions?

- Yes, for example the Olympic champion Chakhkiev Rakhim will act with a master class to Kemerovo, and the double world champion Makarenko Eugenie - to Tyumen. And in Saint Petersburg a lesson will conduct the Olympic champion Yanovsky Vyacheslav and the known boxer, in the past the world champion of WBC Arbachakov Youri. And so will be in all regions of our country.

- What was reaction of AIBA to your initiative?

- the Management of AIBA sent us the letter of thanks that such positive steps on promoting and boxing development to Russian Federation are accepted. And if 52 functionaries are a part of executive committee, to Russian Federation we expect about 80 representatives of AIBA. All our the idea very much was pleasant, they never before had no such bright event in anticipation of organization executive committee.

before actions there will take place solemn flower-laying to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Aleksandrovsk to a garden in which athletes of the man's and female national teams Russian Federation will take part. And in a ceremony will participate also and AIBA.<"141>" management

- How many the audience will be able to take part in actions on Red Square, on how many fans tribunes are calculated?

- We plan that totally about 10 thousand people will gather on Red Square: three thousand participants of a record and seven thousand audience. Tribunes provide placement about seven thousand fans. On the one hand tribunes will be open - that the audience could see that occurs on a ring. Besides, in various places of the area nine big screens will be placed. And when professional fights will be ended, evening of boxing performances Gagarina Paulina, Oleg Gazmanov, Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin will continue, Seregi. And grandiose colourful salute will finish the first Day of the Russian boxing on Red Square in Moscow.

© information agency "RIA Novosti". Vladimir Pesnya to Pass into photobank
Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin
By the way, our professional boxers well-known in recent times will take part in open trainings - Nikolai Valuev and Ragozina Natalia also. They will estimate how carry out exercises athletes and will choose the best young man and the best girl.

- What will be the range of cost of tickets?

- All participants of open training will have an opportunity free of charge to look at duels of boxers. Tickets for tribunes for professional fights also are and on open sale.

- Already knows, what countries will show evening of boxing to Russian Federation?


- Translation of duels will be carried out more than in 40 countries of the world, for example - to England, Germany, France, Italy, Venezuela, Panama, a number of the Latin American countries.

- Whom from VIP-persons you expect as guests of honor of a holiday?

- We invited to ourselves many - from area of policy, economy, culture, business, sports. But we wait, first of all, for our glorified boxers because it is our bright holiday more. And also in a holiday of boxing will take part our more than 50 Olympic champions in different types of sports.

- What approximate carrying out such large-scale action?

- it is clear to

that it not small, but everything becomes through Federation of boxing Russian Federation, our partners and friends - such as Mikhail Fedyaev, Eugenie Borisovich Zubitsky, Suleyman Kerimov. All of us united and we do everything possible to carry out to Russian Federation a bright and memorable holiday of boxing.

- Kremlev Umar Nazarovich, what for you will be in the most important evening on July 22?

- For me and for Federation of boxing Russian Federation the most important - to organize and spend evening so that everything was pleasant to all our boxers. That we united and further all our events held at higher level. And that our boxing dynamically developed - during one Olympic cycle, before Games of 2020 in Tokyo, we have to make the Russian boxing by the strongest in the world.