Chamber of control and accounts Chuvash Republic finished check of realization of the III stage of the program of resettlement of citizens from emergency

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At the next meeting of board of Control Audit Chamber itogiproverka of use of the funds allocated for realization of actions of the republican address Program "Resettlement of Citizens from Emergency , Chuvash Republic" for 2013-2017 of a state program Chuvash Republic "Development and spheres Household management company", for 2015-2016 (the III stage) are considered.

In work of board took part the chairman of Committee of State Council of the Chuvash Republic on economic policy, agro-industrial complex and ecology Pavlov S. V. Chuvash Republic Yusupova A. A. S.V.'s Gorbunov S. V., acting as head of administration Urmary district Pavlov N. A..

an Inspection was carried out by

in Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing-Communal Services of the Chuvash Republic, and also in eight municipalities of the republic participating in the program during which materials by the carried-out Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation expert and analytical action "The analysis of realization of the tasks connected with elimination emergency , President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 600 "About measures for providing citizens Russian Federation affordable and comfortable housing and to improvement of quality of " are used.

Frolova T. K. (the head of control action) are marked out by the Auditor that within realization of the III stage of the program funds in a total amount of 1 041,5 million are allocated. rubles that allowed to provide to 927 families premises. Tatyana Konstantinovna sounded performance of the main indicators and target indicators of the program as a whole on the republic, the violations revealed by check offered by Control Audit Chamber of a measure for realization of materials of check. During check the sum of the compensated financial violations made 1,4 million rubles.

representatives of Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing-Communal Services of the Chuvash Republic and municipalities gave explanations on revealed by check to violations and shortcomings.

Members of board made decisions to send the information letter to Chapter Chuvash Republic and the report - to State Council of the Chuvash Republic. For elimination of the revealed violations it is decided to direct representations to Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing-Communal Services of the Chuvash Republic and to the municipalities which have allowed violations. Materials on four municipalities will be sent to Prosecutor's office Chuvash Republic. On the revealed violations in the sphere of information will be sent to Ministry Ekonomicheskoye developments, industry and trade Chuvash Republic.


the Control Audit Chamber established behind elimination of the revealed violations and implementation of the made decisions. The report on results of check will be published in accordance with the established procedure on the official website of Control Audit Chamber in the information and telecommunication network "".