Urmary district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe future of the country, Chuvashia, the Urmarsky area and all cities and areas of the republic depends on health, the physical and spiritual force of our citizens. And sports — it just that tool which allows to be physically healthy, spiritually strong and strongThe future of the country, Chuvashia, the Urmarsky area and all cities and areas of the republic depends on health, the physical and spiritual force of our citizens. And sports — it just that tool which allows to be physically healthy, spiritually strong and strong7/5/2021Anatoly AksakovIt is sure, with opening of new stadium the best sports traditions of the Urmarsky area will be increased, there will be many talented athletes. And we will support in return young perspective football players and to help them with achievement of heights7/5/2021Vasilii PetrovThe future of the country, Chuvashia, the Urmarsky area and all cities and areas of the republic depends on health, the physical and spiritual force of our citizens. And sports — it just that tool which allows to be physically healthy, spiritually strong and strongThe future of the country, Chuvashia, the Urmarsky area and all cities and areas of the republic depends on health, the physical and spiritual force of our citizens. And sports — it just that tool which allows to be physically healthy, spiritually strong and strong7/5/2021Anatoly AksakovIt is sure, with opening of new stadium the best sports traditions of the Urmarsky area will be increased, there will be many talented athletes. And we will support in return young perspective football players and to help them with achievement of heights7/5/2021Vasilii PetrovThe future of the country, Chuvashia, the Urmarsky area and all cities and areas of the republic depends on health, the physical and spiritual force of our citizens. And sports — it just that tool which allows to be physically healthy, spiritually strong and strongThe future of the country, Chuvashia, the Urmarsky area and all cities and areas of the republic depends on health, the physical and spiritual force of our citizens. And sports — it just that tool which allows to be physically healthy, spiritually strong and strong7/5/2021Anatoly Aksakov1213Region News+3 last weekHead of administration since 2017Andrey VasilyevMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2017Andrey Vasilyev2:01:07 AMGMT+321RUS+73544Dialing code34Connections+3 last weekPopulation22 992NewsConnections Tree
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InternetБыстрый мобильный интернет пришел в исторические места Чувашии2/14/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts1.1 minInternetБыстрый мобильный интернет пришёл в исторические места Чувашии2/14/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts1.4 minOtherАртист рассказал о работе в киноAIF-Chuvashia2/12/2025PeopleGeographyMedia5.5 minBoxingБоксеры Чувашии в 81-й раз разыграли титулы чемпионов2/3/2025PeopleGeography1.2 minAccidentsЗа долги по налогам и кредитам у жителя Чебоксар приставы арестовали автомобильMK.RU Cheboksary1/30/2025CompaniesGeography35 secPoliticsИсполняющим обязанности министра строительства, архитектуры и ЖКХ ЧР назначен Владимир Максимов1/17/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography26 sec
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