Sechin's status helicopters

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Big expenditure for helicopters for the extracting company are explainable is an only way to deliver shift workers to the remote fields. Therefore the oil and gas companies – the biggest customers of helicopter pilots, further with a big separation go physicians and rescue services. As appears from the reports of five leading helicopter companies of the world serving oil industry workers, – CHC Group, Bristow Group, Petroleum Helicopters, Era Group Inc and HNZ Group Inc, their biggest customer in 2016 was Statoil ASA. She paid more than $284 million (about 17 billion rubles), following the Brazilian Petrobras and the Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell – $235 million (14 billion rubles) and $210 million (12,7 billion rubles) respectively.

PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" – the world's largest public oil company on stocks and production. Its expenses on transport are comparable. For transportation of employees and freights by helicopters of third-party operators in those regions where the company carries out oil production, she during 2017-2021 will pay 10,6 billion rubles ($175 million). It follows from two tens competitions played by state company. The largest carrier, judging by documents of , will be "PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AIRLINE COMPANY "YUTEYR" – helicopter ", "daughter" of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AIRLINE COMPANY "YUTEYR". As counted daily business newspaper "Vedomosti", she won more than on 33 billion rubles of the played 53 billion rubles

But expenditure PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" on helicopters are not limited to it. From documents PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" transportations by its own helicopters follow that the winner – the "grand" LLC "RN-Aerokraft" in 2016 and 2017 had to receive for these 10,5 billion rubles. So, in 2017 PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" can spend about 21 billion rubles for helicopter transportations. and it already the demand for world leadership among the oil and gas companies on similar expenses.

by data AVI, the Russian helicopter market is stable: in 2015 the total sales of the helicopter companies Russian Federation made about 36 billion rubles and the forecast for 2016 was same. Judging by these figures, PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" provides with orders market more than a half. The others spend much less. So, the package of orders of daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" found in Transneft state company PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TRANSNEFT" – its subsidiaries at the end of 2015 held on rendering air patrol and transportations until the end of 2017 on 9,5 billion rubles. i.e. 4,75 billion rubles a year.

From the documents attached to to PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" by 2016-2017, follows that by the helicopters she calls RN-Aerokrafta cars. This company as of March, 2017 had 16 average helicopters of the Italian Leonardo Helicopters (the former Agusta Westland S.p.A. ) – 10 AW139, two AW189 and four older AW109 – and 12 heavy Mi-8 helicopters in the different modifications, at least two of them – performed by the VIP, are listed in documentation on to aircraft PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" this year. Such park does PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" to one of the largest owners of the Italian helicopters to Russian Federation – for example, AW139 to Russian Federation only 24 pieces. The park of these helicopters PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" can be estimated not less than at $200 million. After all the insurance cost of AW139 is estimated at $20-25 million, is spoken in documentation.

the Total insurance cost of fleet of "RN-Aerokraft" for the end of 2016 – 28 billion rubles. But this sum includes also planes – 10 lungs of 20-seater DHC-6 of the Canadian company Viking Air. By planes PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" uses much more less than helicopters: judging by , in the next two years she will pay "RN-Aerokrafta" for plane transportations of "only" 3,7 billion rubles

"To Russian Federation air park of the Leonardo Helicopters helicopters is used mainly for the personal purposes, as VIP-transport and as passenger transport", – was explained in May, 2017 in interview to portal by the senior vice-president of the company Vittorio della Bella. AW139 – one of the best helicopters for passenger traffic of status clients, were confirmed to daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" by the top manager of aircraft holding. The French Eurocopter EC-155 (now – Airbus Helicopters H155), winning on speed and shumozashchite can compete with it only, but AW139 – more comfortable, are considered by the interlocutor of daily business newspaper "Vedomosti". And, he adds, more fashionable, and the fashion on him was entered by the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, often moving by this car: the special flight group "Russia" of the executive officer of the president, engaged in transportation of the top officials of the state, in 2012 bought two AW139. The prime minister changed on the helicopter not to create traffic jams, the press service Dmitry Medvedev explained then. "After that Italians started buying and the others", – the interlocutor of daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" continues. And in Tomilin situated near Moscow there was a Leonardo Helicopters and <8> joint venture of "Rostekh" on assembly of the Italian helicopters, the received name JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KHELIVERT".

By the way, the Russia group increased AW139 park exactly thanks to PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT". The group rented at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" two such helicopters. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" continues to incur expenses according to their contents – for example, insures them, follow from , and how many receives for rent, daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" did not manage to learn.

at PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" can Soon become more helicopters foreign cars: until the end of the year its park will increase by eight Italian AW189 with an insurance cost of 21,5 million euros everyone. Plans at the oil company the grandiose: three years ago it concluded the framework agreement with Leonardo Helicopters about purchase till 2025 of 150 more AW189 helicopters, but already collected in Moscow region. PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" these helicopters are necessary for work on shelf projects, followed from the agreement. It was going to pay partially helicopters a contribution to authorized capital JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KHELIVERT", having received in it 30% of actions. However, negotiations on the project are not finished yet.

of Transportation by helicopters foreign cars PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" run into money. For example, in one of with "RN-Aerokraft" it is specified that in 2016-2017 passengers have to accumulate by AW139 1640 helicopters of flight hours. And it will cost everything $235 million. That is hour of flight can cost more than $143 000 (more than 8,5 million rubles) . Transportation of employees by third-party operators is cheaper a minimum much. The cost of flight hour by helicopters of third-party airlines which PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" will fly by orders, makes from 53 808 rub (about $900) by easy Robinson R44 helicopters to 725 000 rub ($12 000) on one of the biggest helicopters in the world – Mi-26.

From where such difference? PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" explained of what there are aviation expenses, only once – in 2014 when signed the annual with "RN-Aerokraft" on the organization of transportations by AW139 helicopters. Then the cost of hour of flight made $73 800. From documents followed that the size of a flight tariff was not such and big – $2634 in hour. About $675 more at an o'clock managed service and food of six passengers of the helicopter (the AW139 salon is calculated on so many places performed by "5 stars"). The rest – a tariff "for exclusive ensuring constant readiness of the helicopter to flight". If to understand further, it becomes clear that leasing to one more "granddaughter" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" – "Neftepromlizingu" at whom "RN-Aerokraft" took helicopters in financial leasing here are included. In two years leasing will make $63,5 million.
it is interesting to

two AW139, transportation of the top officials of the state by such helicopter estimate at only 57 734 rub (or about $960) in hour. Such tariff is given in competitive documentation of flight group on rendering "on ensuring air transport of the highest officials Russian Federation, other officials and official delegations".

Receiving from PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" on air transportation, "RN-Aerokraft", apparently, itself does not fly – in lists of operators Federal Air Transport Agency it is not present. For implementation of orders it employs contractors. In 2013-2014 it was PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AIRLINE COMPANY "YUTEYR": consisted on each helicopter separately and for only some months, PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" follows from these . So, in May, 2014 PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AIRLINE COMPANY "YUTEYR" received in an hour of flight "5-stars" AW139 335 000 rub. that is 1,5 times higher than the average market cost of rent of similar helicopters in the specialized companies (about 180 000-200 000 rub at an o'clock), but is 13 times less, than has to receive in 2017 from PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" itself "RN-Aerokraft".

In 2015 the operator of vessels PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" became the Moscow company "Avia Art", is specified in insurance documents vessels. It was created in 2013 by the Austrian company ART Aviation Flugbetriebs (hereinafter – SPARK data), in turn founded trust TreuTrust. Almost right after creation "An avia art" began to organize for PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" charters by planes – daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" found such on 1,4 billion rubles. But then it replaced the owner, and she was engaged also in helicopter transportations.

In 2014 the owner "The avia art" became Chaban Denise, more than once crossed on business with a family of the ex-president PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" Edouard Khudaynatov. For example, since 2012 it is included into board of directors of the "Independent Oil and Gas Company — Management" firm created by Edouard Khudaynatov. Five years ago he was one of directors and in NOC, and in 2004. there were the owner of the petrotrade Company "Triumf" instead of the wife Edouard Khudaynatov Marina.
How many "The avia art" receives

, it is not known. It is internal commercial information of customers.
to Trace

, not easy. Spottera noticed that AW139 "RN-Aerokrafta" often fly in couples. It is usual practice at movement of especially protected persons – at air flights together with the main board for reasons of surely goes reserve, the former employee tells Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation.

of U AW139 there are no favourite routes: users of the and resources wrote that saw these cars in Saint Petersburg, Suzdal, the Reach and Voronezh, Adler and area of the Kelsky lake to South Ossetia. In blogs of spotter of and there are their photos from Adler.

from flight group "Russia" knows to
Of routes of Italians and other vessels slightly more – from the account for April – the May, 2016, . Judging by documents, couple of Italian AW139 accompanied Mi-8 two months nearly an every day flied from the governmental residence "Hills-9" where there lives Dmitry Medvedev, to the White house and back. And the three of Mi-8 who the president Vladimir Putin prefers, generally flied to the Kremlin. Still AW139 flied from "Hills-9" to the Reach. There is the estate "Milovka" belonging to noncommercial funds "Dar" and "Gradislava" which, according to Non-commercial organization "Fond borby s korruptsiey", Dmitry Medvedev act in interests.

of the Head of state companies and state corporations are free want to fly on what, the state in this area does not limit them, the deputy general director of Transparency International Shumanov Ilya notes. For officials in the Russian legislation there are restrictions on expensive cars and luxury goods, but helicopters and business dzhetov in this system is not present. "Therefore there are both no restrictions on purchase and use by officials by the road of , and they use this legal hole", – Shumanov Ilya speaks.

Even if the official or the head of state company are carried by the helicopter by friendly structure, it by the Russian legislation will not be considered as a bribe. "It is rather ethical conflict or the conflict of interests for which at us especially do not punish", – he speaks.

the Journalist of daily business newspaper "Vedomosti" Sagdiev Rinat told that to it threats because of article publication about PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" started arriving. In comments to the post on Social network Facebook it wrote that submitted the application to police.

In screenshots of messages which were published by the journalist, it is said that at it "opportunity to be engaged in work" as with it "serious people" are anxious can be gone. Sagdiev Rinat also advise "to take vacation" and "to be insured from accidents".

of Threat arrived in connection with a material that PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "OIL COMPANY "ROSNEFT" was one of the largest owners of luxury helicopters to Russian Federation, planning to spend for payment of flights to 10 billion rubles a year.

the Head of legal department of the publisher of daily business newspaper "Vedomosti", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BUSINESS NEWS MEDIA", Rumyantsev Vladimir declared that in the company regard threats as real, and judging by character of SMS messages, for the journalist, probably watched, writes Information company Rambler.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 738
Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Edouard Khudaynatov
Main activity:Businessman
Chaban Denise
Shumanov Ilya
PJSC Rosneft
Main activity:Mining
SC Rostec
Main activity:Public administration
Shell plc
Main activity:Chemical production
PJSC Airline Utair
Main activity:Transport
PJSC Transneft
Main activity:Mining