KROK will define the best mass media in the field of construction and Household management company

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on July 17, 2017, Moscow. — Company KRoK, in the person Zavtur Anna, the member of Advisory council concerning stage-by-stage introduction of information modeling in industrial and civil engineering at Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation and the deputy director general of KROK, was a part of expert jury the Second All-Russian mass media "Creation and development", carried-out Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation.

of KROK invites the journalists who are taking up questions of technological effectiveness of spheres of construction and Household management company, to take part in in the nominations "The best material about application of the latest in construction in printing and network editions, blogs, on radio and television" and "The best material about the latest in the sphere of Household management company in printing and network editions, blogs, on radio and television".

Within these nominations the company will pay to

special attention to works in which subjects of complex application of information modeling (BIM) in construction, and also in the sphere of Household management company are touched. Authors of two of them will be awarded by special prizes from KROK and memorable diplomas from Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation. The company counts that works of journalists about the problems of the population newest , branch development, and also a situation in regions and prospects of development of branch can become strong incentive for municipal authorities and improve a situation in the market of municipal services.

, carried-out Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation, is directed on stimulation of interest of mass media to illumination of questions of construction, architecture and Household management company the countries, including the main trends and technological aspects of development of these spheres. Order taking is carried out on the official site till July 20, 2017 inclusive. On juries are accepted publications, TV and the radio subjects which published or have left in air during the period from September 1, 2016 to June 20, 2017.

"In our country of not all while understand, how many in the new digital world depends on speed of transition of construction branch on , first of all, solutions of information modeling and . The digitized objects — it not only possibility of exact calculation of cost and construction terms, not only clearness in service of ready objects, it also new level of comfort and lives of people, both in the megalopolis, and on remote infrastructure objects, and new level of management of objects of infrastructure. Unused potential of in construction and Household management company our country very high, above, than in other branches. And, as well as in any other serious undertaking, it has to have "inspirers" — the journalists capable easily and thus technically competently to tell about technologically difficult projects. We understand the importance of such promoting how nobody else, and are ready to appreciate its fruits", — Veronika Gimenez tells Gimenez Veronica

"Not for nothing say that mass media — it is the fourth estate. Active discussion of the subject BIM in mass media promotes dissemination of knowledge about , both in the professional environment, and among wide audience. Within competitive selection we plan to encourage those mass media which most fully take up questions of application of BIM technology in construction. It both legislative initiatives, and the advantages got at different stages of life cycle of objects", — Anna Zavtur , the member of Advisory council at Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation on consideration of questions of introduction of information modeling in industrial and civil engineering makes comments on Zavtur Anna

the BIM appeared in KROK more than three years ago. During this time experts of KROK executed a number of projects, including development of a road map of transition to BIM for State institution Ministry of Transport and Road System of the Republic of Tatarstan and introduction of system of engineering document flow for the organization exercising behind municipal transport infrastructure. Besides, the company develops the competences of BIM design area, opened a professional course on BIM, and also gives to customers opportunity to test the complex solution of BIM and tools in architecture and design in the Center KROK.


About the KROK <41> company

of KROK works at the IT market since 1992 and today enters top-10 the largest IT companies (the RIA Rating, economic weekly magazine "Kommersant DENGI", RA "Expert", 2015-2016) and top-3 the consulting companies Russian Federation (economic weekly magazine "Kommersant DENGI", RA "Expert", 2016).


No. 1 among suppliers of IT services in the country (PAC, 2015); is in the lead in the IT outsourcing market (business portal "", 2015), managements of appendices (PAC, 2015), in segments of ERP solutions (business portal "", 2016) in the market of systems (EDMS) (business portal "", 2016), in the field of telecommunications (RA "Expert", 2016), in the IaaS direction (to CNews, 2016), and also complex projects of creation of infrastructure TSODOV (CNews, 2016), buildings and constructions (CNews, 2016).

The company is included steadily in top-3 the best Russian suppliers of IT services to financial sector (business portal "", 2016), to the state organizations (to PAC, 2015), to health care (to CNews, 2016), to transport companies (to CNews, 2016), power (A portal "Production management", 2016), the industries (A portal "Production management", 2016) and to a retail (to Cnews, 2016) .

of KROK are offered by to own network of commercial and the public cloud, builds private and hybrid clouds as on the basis of the network of , and on the basis of (TsOD) of customers. Is the only integrator in the country, whose TsOD passed full certification on TIER III in Uptime Institute.