Asian trailers of week: Premiere of a heading
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Asian trailers of week: Premiere of a heading
"V.I.P. "

the World changes. Today to Asia the film with budgets and the collecting which is not conceding to the Hollywood is shot. And in imagination violence local cinematographers often give odds to the American colleagues. In a new heading on portal "" we will collect the most interesting trailers from China, Japan and South Korea, left for the last week.


"Dzhodzho's improbable adventures"

the New movie Miike Takasi — the manga screen version about the city, are found in young inhabitants of superability. In leading roles — as on the selection, demanded young Japanese actors — Kento Yamadzaki , Nana Komatsu , Ryunosuke Kamiki . Shootings, by the way, took place in the Spanish Sitzhes.

"How to watch fireworks"

of Times the speech about Japan, not to do without anime in any way. Full-length mulfilm about the beginning of awkward age, a subject in which it is better not to find experts Japanese. In the history center — the sixth-grader who suffers from divorce of parents and decides to run away from the house with the schoolmate. The truth here with what — it yet did not choose.


I again the screen version of one of the most popular mangas from Shinsuke Sato , the author of the festival zombie hit "I am a hero" . The ordinary Japanese school student ( Fukusi Sot ) unexpectedly receives abilities and responsibility about which did not ask moreover and nice tyan as the mentor.

"The steel alchemist"

One more expected transfer of a popular manga in full meter with live actors. History about two brothers alchemists who in unsuccessful attempt to revive dead mother strongly became a cripple — one lost extremities ( Resuke Yamada ), and another at all — bodies, and now lives in a steel armor.

"Oh, this psychic Sayki Kusuo! "

Kento Yamadzaki from "Dzhodzho's improbable adventures" managed to act in one more screen version of a manga, this time comedy, but again as the unsociable guy with unusual abilities and not less interesting appearance on whom the destiny of all planet depends. As the director Yuiti Fukuda — the person thanks to whom the whole world saw the superhero with pants on the person acted .

"Lawlessness: The final chapter"

Third, final part of the trilogy about the yakuza veteran Otomo as the director and the leading man in which acted Kitano Takeshi . Judging by a trailer, conversations this time will be less, and it is more than dismantlings. Besides, the plot will be connected with South Korea.


"The army basis"

Six years ago the director and the producer Han Sanping conceived an epic propaganda cloth. The cinema triptych devoted stories of the Chinese Communist Party. In the first movie, "the Basis of China" , Lau Andy , John Wu , Chen Kayge and fifty more Chinese stars took part Chan Dzheki , Yen Donni , . In the second movie — "The party basis" — gave a lift Chou Yun - the Veil , to Daniel Wu , Nick Chunga and Tsan Eric . The third movie, "The army basis", leaves this summer. And there again a flower bed, including idols of youth, models and the former participants of a pop group of EXO.<"145>"

"Intention crime"

the Psychological thriller with a view to the franchize. At the heart of the scenario — the novel of the former Chinese profayler Lei Mi (a real name — Liu Peng) which books are translated into many foreign languages. For example, in English left three or four novels of the writer with the advertizing slogan: "The answer of Heavenly Empire on "Silence of lambs" and "The girl with a tattoo of a dragon" ". The serial murderer keeps in awe the small campus. The police involves a talented young profayler in hunting for the maniac. In one of leading roles — Liao Fan , the winner of the Berlin film festival for "Black coal, thin ice" .

"A brotherhood of blades 2"

When the young festival director Lu Yang shot

Chan Terence permitted for the sequel. More precisely — the prequel. The hero Chan Terence Chen again will appear on imperial service where it should deal with court plots.


the Beautiful arthouse thriller from the program of the last Shanghai film festival. The main character (Duan Ihong) worked as the blaster in mine where once through his fault there was an accident and some people were lost. Or at all through his fault: the court decision was suspiciously fast. Having stayed in prison, the blaster comes back to the miner's town to find out the truth and to punish the guilty.


the Chinese remake (and it is similar — time-lapse) Korean thriller of 2014 "I go

. Instead of Li Son-gyuna — the Hong Kong legend Kvok Aaron . The selling cop in some hours appears in the very bottom human luck. Investigators from department of internal investigations sat down on a tail, mother died, the wife filed documents on divorce. On the way to a funeral the character Kvok Aaron distracts and incidentally forces down the person. In the next minute the crazy thought comes to his mind: to take away the brought-down person with itself, and then to enclose a corpse in a coffin to mother. It is clear that such brilliant ideas to anything good usually do not lead.

"The father and the son"

the Star Chinese yutubov Da Pan debuted

"Person pancake" which collected more than billion yuans (about 150 million dollars) in national hire. While the star prepares the second movie as the director (this time — about the Beijing rockers ), the actor entered in the project of the debutant Yuan Weidonga under the name "Father and Son". The absurdist adventurous comedy which, according to producers, will sort traditional Confucian values on stones and will be blown up by local hire.

South Korea

"V.I.P. "

Pak Hoon-dzhon — the screenwriter of the movie "I saw a devil" and the director of a picture "The new world" . In the new project Pak connects three popular subjects of South Korean cinema: serial murderers, dangerous northerners and southern corrupt officials. In South Korea catch the maniac with whom there is a spoiled sonny of the North Korean general (the murderer the favourite of girls played Li John juice ). The guy has a diplomatic immunity, and to send him for a lattice not so simply. In other roles — long ago not being removed in big projects Chan Terence Dawn rutting , Ki Kim Maine-min. and Pak Hee-sun , and also Stormare Peter .


B 1980 of Ki Kim Rutting-or ( Ohm Tkhe-un ) participated in dispersal of demonstrations to Gwangju. Now it — the simple slogger also works at the excavator. By means of Ki Kim will open once a secret burial ground and will understand that many years worked on geeks. The screenwriter — Ki Kim Duk . As the director — one of his pupils Li Ju-hen which already shot for the teacher Ki Kim the movie about "seven" spies from North Korea .


the Low budget thriller "Hide-and-seek" on a topic of the day of the housing problem, removed four years ago the debutant Huo Dzhonjv , was a big event in the Korean hire and even got the Chinese remake. The second movie of the director promises to be not less terrible and atmospheric. After tragic disappearance of the child his mother finds the girl who behaves not absolutely properly in the wood. The tendency when South Korean girls receive the central roles in absolutely serious movies ( "Cry" , "Okcha" , "The train to Busan" ) proceeds.

Takeshi Kitano
Last position: Comedian, TV host, actor, director, writer
Dzheki Chan
Last position: Actor, stuntman, film director
Lyu Pen
Last position: Honorary Chairman (Olympic komitet China)