Siberia hospitably meets a proslavitel of the Latvian legionaries vaffen-SS?

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To Siberia became constant visitor the Lutheran pastor urging Russian Federation to confess for a victory over fascism and organizing processions of legionaries of CC in Latvia

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B Siberian Federal District annually since 2009 there come delegations of relatives (and not only) the Latvians deported in the 40th years, and together with them — the nazi urging Russian Federation to confess for a victory over fascism and organizing processions of legionaries of CC in Latvia — Guntis Kalme. Delegations regularly and friendly meet local authorities, providing platforms not only for performances, but also for installation of Lutheran crosses. Arrival of "guests" is expected and in 2017, the coordinator of the political movement "Time Essence" on Kemerovo region Vyatkina Nadezhda declared to the correspondent information agency "REGNUM" .

B 2016 the delegation from Latvia, headed by the film director, the initiator of creation Fund "Deti Sibiri" Dzintra Geka and the Lutheran pastor Guntis Kalme visited a number of regions of Siberia and on July 26 arrived to Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovo region). The official purpose of visit of group of Latvians was to honor memory deported of Latvia compatriots.

hospitably Department of Culture and National Politics of the Kemerovo region charged to meet delegation to the authorities Mezhdurechensk, the obshchestvennitsa speaks. For guests the meeting party organized excursions and a joint public prayer of the pastor of Lutheran church with the representative of clergy and the public. In one of picturesque places Mezhdurechensk — a grief Yugus, was established a Lutheran cross. Visit of delegation Kemerovo region received an extended coverage in regional mass media and on local television.

by words Vyatkina Nadezhda, since 2001 the director Dzintra Geka and the operator Ayvars Lubaniyetis, traveling across Siberian Federal District, meet and write down certificates of those who at children's age together with parents with families in June, 1941 were deported to Siberia. Geka and Lubaniyetis the purpose call desire to leave memoirs for future generations. All Gek and her associates created 16 documentary tapes on the basis of memoirs. They also published two releases of the book "Children of Siberia" in the Latvian, Russian and English languages.


However, explained Vyatkina Nadezhda, over time there was a radicalization of the Latvian missionaries: they were adjoined by the pastor Guntis Kalme glorifying the Latvian voluntary legion of CC and veterans heading annual processions of a legion "Vaffen CC".


reminded that on March 16, 2016, in day of memory of the Latvian legionaries "Vaffen CC", in Riga to Kalma headed a column of the people celebrating legionaries, and at flower-laying to a monument of Freedom made important statements.

"Today day of the Latvian legion. Today we remember our tribespeople who put on a uniform of the German invaders to fight against crowds of Red Army men. They well remembered "Terrible year" (concept of the gebbelsovsky promotion using Stalin repressions of June, 1941 for incitement of hatred to Jews — REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" ) and fought not for Great Germany, and against a brutal communistic mode. We have to return them respect of descendants", — told Kalma.

"Is enough to be taken away from the people of his heroes and then it is possible to take away from it belief in the future and the right for existence. Heroes — a source of life of the people". I continued: "Legionaries — a kernel of the Latvian troops. They fought against was not part of their earth, and this fight is not complete. Everything remained to on former places, both geopolitics, and the chauvinistic empire . Only military operations ended, but war of values and the principles proceeds".

" Any compromises Russian Federation perceives

as a weakness sign. With it it is possible to speak only language of force ", — declared to Kalma and returned by day of memory which he designated day of national resistance.

"on March 16 — it is a question not about knowledge of history, and of the one who we are. What means to be the Latvian and the patriot today? What has to be today the Latvian state. Fighters we or Philistines? ", — questioned to Kalma and demanded from compatriots that those did not allow creation " Russian Latvia ". "While I fight, I exist" — paraphrased to Kalma Dekart Renee.

"The empire of evil failed and the empire which tries to revive it" will fail — declared to Kalva and addressed to God with gratitude words: "Thank you that gave us heroes and leaders who though in others form went to battle for our earth that "Terrible year" that Latvians as the main nation to Latvia felt like owners on the earth, instead of orphans did not repeat. Let's be strong! ".

this sermon of hatred to Russian Federation Came to the end with collective reading a prayer of "Pater Noster" with


by words Vyatkina Nadezhda, making routes on the cities and settlements Siberian Federal District, Geka skillfully establishes relations with local authorities.

"We wrote

letters to the Russian city halls and administrations, and us let to places of burials in Norilsk and on Taimyr where now special zones — and there let nobody usually, even Russians. For these years we had no case that local authorities somewhere did not let us. They everywhere very much cooperated and helped", — were declared by Geka in interview to Internet mass-media "Meduza" on October 29, 2015.


Hospitable welcome of the Latvian delegation also accorded in July, 2013 and Administration of the Birilyussky district (Krasnoyarsk territory).

Arguing on integration of Russians in Baltics in the interview to the LatvijasAvMze edition published on April 11, 2014, to Kalma unambiguously declared:

"Latvia is not obliged to be engaged in integration of invaders and their descendants" .

Also it told

some words about a repentance.

"The question of forgiveness is often operated by

in political goals. The forgiveness is possible when guilty realizes that hurt, sufferings, damage, apologizes and compensates losses. In the Gospel from Luka it is told — "if your brother sins against you, utter to it; and if confesses, forgive it". That is, there is a condition: if the offender realizes that it made if he addressed, confessed and indemnified loss . When it happens, I will be the first who will forgive", — were declared by the pastor.

"That is we have to apologize and repent at the nazi! ? " , — revolted an obshchestvennitsa.

Vyatkina Nadezhda emphasized that similar delegations have no right for the loyal relation of the regional authorities, having added that it is necessary to exclude all administrative support of activity of the Latvian expedition headed by the frank supporter of nazis, repeatedly calling Russian Federation to a repentance that is equivalent to refusal of the historical truth and formation of a complex of historical inferiority.

Sociological researches showed that the vast majority of citizens Russian Federation opposes discredit of the Soviet history. In the summer of 2011 opinion poll by AKSIO-2 was carried out in which more than 24 thousand citizens Russian Federation participated. On a question of, whether it is necessary "To recognize officially greatness of the USSR and the world value of its achievements, greatness of ideas on which it was constructed, greatness of the Soviet people which have saved the world from fascism", 86% of respondents positively answered.

we Will remind

, on a fund site in the section "Expedition to Siberia" it is specified that since 2009 the Latvian delegation did not pass any trip to Siberia, however information on expedition of 2017 there is not specified.