The main thing in a night: Tokyo arrived to the port deadly ants; To Prisoners in the Dutch prisons will start giving out keys from chambers

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Tokyo arrived To the port deadly ants

according to information agency "RIA Novosti", the Ministry of environment Japan declared that in the container which has arrived to capital port more than one hundred red fiery ants who are considered as one of most dangerous in world was revealed.

according to Kiodo's agency, besides ants in the container were eggs, larvae and dolls. Ants right there destroyed. Now experts try to establish, whether there was in the container an ant uterus. Data on that, from where and when to the Tokyo port there arrived freight with dangerous insects while is not present. It any more the first case when in containers arriving to the country find red fiery ants.

Before insects found in port Nagoya, in the container from China. In May them found in the port Kobe. Experts are afraid of distribution of these insects.

After a sting of fiery red ants at the majority of people note skin reddenings, blisters and hypostases. Dizziness and vomiting are in certain cases possible. This species of ants constitutes the greatest danger to the people predisposed to an allergy as their sting can provoke reactions up to anafilaktichesky shock with a possible lethal outcome.

the Prisoner in the Dutch prisons keys from cameras
will start giving out

according to news agency of information agency "ITAR-TASS", wardens in Netherlands are seriously concerned by the future innovation which will provide to prisoners more freedom and opportunity to move without supervision. The scheme which has to extend on a number of penal institutions after tests in municipalities Dordrecht, Heerhugowaard and Zaandam, provides that prisoners will have keys from the chambers and the right freely to come and leave them up to a half of the tenth evening.
Besides, to each prisoner will be given out the tablet computer by means of which they will be able to make, for example, appointment with relatives or to shop, the Algemeen Dagblad newspaper reports.

Prisoners will have not to be late for work and for other obligatory actions, however for the rest will acquire the right independently to decide what to do, with whom and when to talk.

and justices of Netherlands are sure by
Of the Ministry of

"However for us it is more similar to an unreasoned measure for further reduction of number of inspectors", - the chairman of the board of wardens Rob Minkes noted. In his opinion, these innovations can lead to negative consequences." Prisoners have an opportunity to do without supervision anything. It can promote prosperity of such phenomena as drug traffic, - Minkes emphasized.

- Moreover, it increases risk of that criminals will continue the activity after an exit to freedom. After all in prison they will be able to talk with each other as much as necessary long and to make joint plans".

B Chelyabinsk the woman demands from maternity hospital 3 million rubles for substitution of the daughter 30 years ago

B Chelyabinsk on the case of substitution of children in city maternity hospital began 30 years ago, reports "State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company Bashkortostan".

Tuganova Zoe, brought up by mistake of midwifes the girl from others family, wants to collect from Regionalny Minzdrav and maternity hospitals 3 million rubles of compensation of moral harm.

As are specified by website "News agency Bashinform", Tuganova Zoe in 1987, in maternity hospital, suspected that feeds not the native daughter, and demanded to compare it to the child of the woman in labor from the next chamber, but doctors managed to distract and calm the woman. It is noted that substitution could happen because of similarity of surnames of two women in labor — Tuganova Zoe and Tuligenova Elvire.

of Destiny of the girls who have got to nonnative families, developed very much differently. Tuganova Zoe named the native daughter Lucia and took away to the village Kirzhakul Republic of Bashkortostan. The husband Tuligenova Elvire could not reconcile to emergence in a family of the child of Slavic appearance. After the next feast it killed the Russian neighbor who suspected in connection with the wife. Mother of the girl after that was sung, and Lucia took away in children's home where she lived till 18 years.

Tuganova Zoe, in turn, brought up the girl of the Tatar appearance in love, having named her Ekaterina. After death of the spouse Tuganova Zoe, not forgotten about the suspicions, found for the blood daughter in social networks. DNA examination confirmed relationship with probability of 99,5%.

Now to Ekaterina and Lucia for 30 years, both bring up children, but Lucia's financial position the extremely constrained. Tuganova Zoe addressed with in , demanding to collect from the Chelyabinsk maternity hospital and Respublikansky Minzdrav compensation of moral harm of 3 million rubles. In department with claims disagreed and declared that it is difficult to check documents — they got lost in archives.

Money which Tuganova Zoe plans to collect from physicians and officials, she wants to spend for housing acquisition for the blood daughter, Lucia.
Tuganova Zoe
Tuligenova Elvire
Regionalny Minzdrav
Government Agency
Respublikansky Minzdrav
Government Agency