In three years in Belgorod created 53 cooperative parkings

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B Belgorod for the last three years created 53 cooperative parkings on 870 parking places. From them – 40 in the yards of apartment houses and 13 – on the municipal earth. As Olga Medvedev marked out the deputy head of City administration on domestic and personnel policy Medvedeva Olga

In the city hall emphasized that it is simple to organize a parking. And it is possible to make it as on the earth belonging on the right of all-share property to residents of apartment houses, and in the municipal territory.

In the first case (if the yard rather big also allows to make a parking) need to hold general meeting and to vote the majority for autostoyanku.

Vmeste with that the considerable part of the yards in the city does not allow to create parking spaces: there is not enough places or outdated planning. In such cases the cooperative parking can be arranged outside the yard – on the municipal earth. In this case the cooperative – initiative group which wishes to organize a parking for the means is created, she addresses in administration and in common the site on which future parking will be able to take place is defined. Further the site is leased to cooperative and residents at own expense build parking.

— Process of creation of cooperative parkings on the municipal earth only begins — added Medvedeva Olga. — The administration supports citizens in these questions and today demands became more. I hope that process of release of domestic territories from cars will go aktivneye.

Dobavim that according to the order of the mayor the special working group which completely accompanies process of the organization of a cooperative parking on the municipal earth outside the domestic territory is created. Representatives of the Western and East districts, architecture managements, Committee property and land relations, legal committee enter it.

to receive more detailed information on how to organize a parking near the house, it is possible to address in departments of work with the population of committees on management of districts: 23-30-22 – in Zapadny okrug or 27-36-86 – in Vostochny okrug.

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Medvedeva Olga
Committee property and land relations
City administration
Government Agency