The 24th country in the world legalized same-sex marriages

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Members of the Maltese parliament voted on July 12 for legalization of same-sex marriages in the country. About it reports information agency "Reuters".

Thus, the prime minister Malta Dzhozef Muskat kept the election pledge. Malta became the 24th country in the world which officially legalized same-sex marriages.

supported legalization of same-sex marriages of 66 members of parliament and only one voted against. According to the decision of parliament, the word "husband", "wife", "mother" and "father" in the law on marriage Malta are replaced with the word "spouses".

according to the prime minister of Dzhozef Muskat, such formulation was necessary to avoid "categorization" of marrying people. It also disproved charges that the adopted law will put an end to such holidays as Day of mother and Day of the father, having declared that such assumptions "are ridiculous".

"I think that this historical vote. It shows a maturity of our democracy and our society in which all of us can tell that we are equal" — the prime minister declared.

at the beginning of June parliament Germany voted for legalization of same-sex marriages. According to the president of the Bundestag Lammert Norbert , supported this initiative 393 deputies, against 226 deputies acted, four more refrained.

the Chancellor Angela Merkel after vote reported that voted against legalization, however hoped that the decision of parliament will improve public climate.

"For me marriage in the legislation — is marriage between the man and the woman and therefore I voted against this bill — told Angela Merkel. — I hope that today's vote not only will promote respect of the different points of view, but also will bring in society the world and unity".
Norbert Lammert
Main activity:Politician
Angela Merkel
Main activity:Politician
Dzhozef Muskat
Last position: Prime minister of Malta