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Sukhumi . February 8. Abkhazia Inform. on February 14 the performance "Tartyuf" the second half of the 36th theatrical season of the Russian drama theater opens, the theater director Khintba Irakly at a press conference in Sputnik <14> news agency Abkhazia reported today. This performance was for the first time put in 2000 by the director Merab Chitanava.

"Today's "Tartyuf" is a little modernized by

, scenery are changed, there was an alternating cast of actors", - specified Khintba Irakly.

the First premiere of 2017 of RUSDRAMA is planned by

for April 13 - 14: audience will see the performance "Five Evenings" according to Volodin Alexander.

It is the melodrama about difficult relationship of two beloved in post-war 50th years, history of a meeting Petrovich Alexander and Tamara Vasilyevna tightened for five evenings.

the Production director "Five evenings" - Kiselyus Anton (a workshop of the prof. Kheyfets L. Ye.), the artist all over the world - Lisitsin Eugenie. Kiselyus Anton works today in Tallinn at the Russian theater over performance according to the play of the same name Strindberg August "Fröken Giuly".

" it comes To Sukhumi is convinced.

In February, March and April at theater displays of earlier put performances "Christmas in Kupyello's House", "Black Chicken …", "Iron Woodcutter" are resumed. "From February 14 to February 28 we will show to
10 performances, on three performances in a week. The main thing for theater and actors is a regularity of work", – the director Rusdrama emphasized.
B 2017 at theater will be one more prime minister - "Auditor" Gogol N. V. directed by the Russian director Timoshenko Andrey, put "Christmas …".

on March 8, on the International Women's Day on a theater scene within the RUSDRAM Opera project the concert with participation of the Abkhazian singers Gobechiya Saida (baritone), Aldona Tskua (soprano) and the Sochi symphonic orchestra under control of the chief conductor Soldatov Oleg will take place.

"It will not be simple a concert, and opera show with interesting production scenes and special light of the expert Martynov Sergei", - Khintba Irakly specified.

on March 27 - in the International day of theater "RUSDRAM SHAW" directed by the actor and the director Zhordaniya Dzhambula will take place.

at the end of May will be one more prime minister - comedy performance, told Khintba Irakly. However, it keeps its name and a surname of the production director invited from Russian Federation a secret.

Irakli Hintba reported

Khintba Irakly

More detailed information on life of RUSDRAMA will be published by

on the official site of theater which will be started on Friday, February 10.