Conflicts of the authorities tired residents of Kurgan. In Zauralye wait for protests

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the Exit is thought up, but to inhabitants of area it will not be pleasant

Meeting of supporters of Alexey Navalny in Day of Russia. Yekaterinburg, poster, meeting, mitingany a little
Intercommunity conflicts create threat to a life of zauralets . Photo: Mayorova Anna © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

the trend was outlined In Zauralye — the conflicts between city and local authorities. Open opposition — in two of 24 areas. According to sources of Russian information company "URA.Ru", about a half more the conflicts do not advertize, but desires to cooperation do not show. Simple inhabitants who freeze in the apartments suffer from it, receive less federal money and lose other benefits.

So, the beginning of a heating season in Petukhovo under a big question. The mayor Eugenie Drozdetsky, the management of local MUPA by means of Oblastnoye government is looked for by who are ready to be enclosed in modernization of heating system of the city, report a competent source of Russian information company "URA.Ru". And the head of the area Gerasimenko Sergei, seemingly, is more occupied with the problems — it is going to be protected in .

Eugenie Drozdetsky (at the left) and Gerasimenko Sergei it were
Emergency meeting of Petukhovsky City Council. Petukhovo. Kurgan region. gerasimenko Sergey, drozdetsky Evgeny Photo
: Merkulov Igor © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

this week regional will consider the appeal of Administration of Petukhovo concerning the head of the area Gerasimenko Sergei. He was accused under several criminal articles, but was justified by regional . After the election in September, 2014 the head of the area the most part of time was detached, he came to work only in April, 2017.

the Leapfrog and anarchy do not promote investment appeal Petukhovo. As soon as visiting businessmen learn about the current situation, wishing to risk the assets is not, Petukhovo complain in the city hall. Boundary of subjects, already last winter the heating system in the city worked at an emergency side, and inhabitants complained that freeze in own apartments.

Because of delays of the regional authorities Petukhovo also almost lost means from the federal program "Comfortable Environment". According to the sources, all necessary documents were signed literally in the last minutes before the term termination — and only after intervention of the regional authorities.

Meeting at Gubernatorakurgan, malyshev Yury
around Malyshev Youri too it is restless
: Merkulov Igor ©

is not better than Russian information company "URA.Ru" where city deputies already delivered "neud" to the mayor Chernykh Valeria twice, but its could not achieve in . Chapter Kataysk district Malyshev Youri in conversation from Russian information company "URA.Ru" reminded that conversations on association of regional and city administrations are had long ago. It will allow to avoid situations when one of branches of local government withdraws from problems another.

the Head of committee Oblastnaya duma on economic policy Kafeev Eugenie considers that such decision would be logical, considering today's aspiration of Zauralye to reduction of municipalities. However the speaker of the trans-Ural Duma Frolov Dimitri pays attention that such association, though will lead to economy for regional , but it can not be pleasant to simple inhabitants.

"The amendments adopted to the law No. 131, allow to unite in city districts of the city and nearby rural settlements. However the last thus lose the village status" — the speaker notes.

It will lead to cancellation of "rural" privileges for state employees, cancellation of decreasing coefficients on the electric power, policies .

Besides, for association need a consent of City and regional Councils. And it even in case all are ready to make such decision, business is far not the fast. "Association can remove in the long term questions, however will not solve those burning issues which stand already now" — Kafeev Eugenie considers.

Therefore while in the management of area hope for common sense of participants of the conflicts, and in a case with chapter Petukhovo district — for justice of . However, and here many still have questions. "There were precedents when mayors discharged because of "neudov". Remember at least Petrozavodsk [and his ex-mayor Galina Shirshina] — Kafeev Eugenie noted. — While us it turns out that if the person does not work to attract him there is nothing".