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the President of RA Raul Khajimba held the working meeting devoted to introduction of treasury system of in the republic. Deputy heads of Presidential service Dimitri Mikhaylovich Shamba and Adgur Lushba, the Deputy Prime Minister Dimitri Nikolaevich Serikov, the Minister of Taxes and Tax Collection Rauf Tsimtsba, the minister of Amra Kvarandziya, the chairman of National Bank Beslan Barateliya and the chairman of the State customs committee Daur Kobakhiya who discussed problems of initial functioning of treasury. Management of treasury of Ministry RA finance opened on June 30 the current year and since July 1 got down to work.

– I Can assure all what to recede gathers nobody, – the head of state told. – The treasury will work! Already today we see movement of money, how many remains on accounts who, of what means disposes and as they are used. The process of further work on treasury system will more actively begin, the more positively it will affect profitable and account parts . The minister of . Concerning state funded organizations, the minister noted that process already went within treasury system, and they can far off, on , receive operational information, form in electronic form payment orders. A.Kvarandziya reported that already 93 state funded organizations work on treasury system, and is processed about 3600 .

the Head of financial department reported on participants of meeting and on work of local budgets on treasury system:

– During the whole last week specialists of treasury left on places and helped to close reporting data. In order that the system of treasury earned for 100%, we need 2,5 months. Now while a question only in that state funded organizations got used to this work.

Discussing activity of banks in treasury system, the President Raul Khajimba reminded of need of the solution of questions on return of earlier given out , in particular, of crediting of natural and legal entities in Gagra-bank.

– Those who ran into debt to , fully has to understand that no indulgences for anybody will exist! – the head of state emphasized. – It is necessary to pay at least "body" , and we will think further how to be with percent.

the Deputy Prime Minister Dimitri Nikolaevich Serikov noted that all problems connected with introduction of treasury system of , represent "purely technical moments".

– Any innovation introduced at a given time, is accompanied by difficulties, – Dimitri Nikolaevich Serikov told. – With the arising questions Ministry of Finance quickly coped, necessary instructions were dispatched. I think, in the next months we will see a positive effect from system introduction.

the Head of National Bank of Barateliya informed Beslan Barateliya – Due to the implementation of the program for increase in transparency of operations, within treasury and in parallel with this process delivery of plastic cards is accelerated. More than 10 thousand state employees passed according to salary projects to using plastic cards. Process actively goes. I think, until the end of this year the overwhelming part of state employees will receive on cards. It will even more increase transparency of process of financing of means from .

the Head of National Bank emphasized that delivery of plastic cards to pensioners of Sukhumi and the Gagrsky area is already, almost, complete as the bank infrastructure is better developed in these regions. Since fall this process will begin to East Abkhazia, and pensioners there will be transferred to non-cash delivery of pensions.

Summing up the meeting results, the President of RA charged to prepare by the end of August reports concerning results of work of treasury for the entire period of its activity with the analysis of the positive and negative moments and the offer of the relevant decisions.

