The team of Petrovsky schools is recognized by the prize-winner Vserossiyskogo competitions "School skills of the XXI century"

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The educational organizations having experience of implementation of projects of school of the future, took part in the All-Russian competition "School skills of the XXI century". Following the results of competitions Petrovsk city school Petrozavodsk is recognized the prize-winner. Competition "School skills of the XXI century" is directed on identification and support of the best ideas and the practician of educational programs, models of the organizations focused on formation at being trained skills of the XXI century. His organizers educations as FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE AUTONOMNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI" acted "VKLAD V BUDUSHCHEE" and Institute...
Marina Karasyova
Last position: Teacher of Department of the theory of music (Moscow city State conservatory named after P. I. Chaykovskogo)
Yalovitsyn Gennady
Sonnikova Helena